Z Zirvano Fed-Kun's army Joined Mar 26, 2019 Messages 275 Jul 12, 2020 #2 You really did a better job... Man, another rape? Wtf
BloodCoveredAngel Aggregator gang Joined Apr 12, 2019 Messages 242 Jul 12, 2020 #4 I feel bad for that angel, but she did try to kill the mc....😖
phil777 Dex-chan lover Joined May 12, 2018 Messages 9,231 Jul 12, 2020 #6 Oh, would you look at the time. (insert rape clock meme)
Crosonical Fed-Kun's army Joined Jan 17, 2018 Messages 54 Jul 12, 2020 #7 This series is such an awful train wreck that I can't seem to look away. This translation is better than it deserves.
This series is such an awful train wreck that I can't seem to look away. This translation is better than it deserves.
SoundSpark Member Joined Feb 20, 2018 Messages 272 Jul 12, 2020 #9 talk about a roller coaster for that angel.
HDMI1 Contributor Joined Feb 4, 2019 Messages 7,689 Jul 12, 2020 #10 @F20K Page 7 - Panel 1: I think that's supposed to be " No human in the world should be able to detect me."
@F20K Page 7 - Panel 1: I think that's supposed to be " No human in the world should be able to detect me."
F20K Group Leader Joined Apr 4, 2020 Messages 36 Jul 12, 2020 #13 @HDMI1 yes I know but since the sentence got cut off by the "AH OH NO" I decided to to put "No human in the world should be (able) to detect..."
@HDMI1 yes I know but since the sentence got cut off by the "AH OH NO" I decided to to put "No human in the world should be (able) to detect..."
S snipermakedonski Joined Sep 5, 2019 Messages 31 Jul 12, 2020 #14 Wow speedy upload! Love this manga and I am very suprised we are only 1 away from the raws. I need more! Also, poor angel.
Wow speedy upload! Love this manga and I am very suprised we are only 1 away from the raws. I need more! Also, poor angel.
S Syamers24 Joined Jun 5, 2020 Messages 19 Jul 12, 2020 #15 Wha!? The angel being Raped :'v poor angel :'v
HDMI1 Contributor Joined Feb 4, 2019 Messages 7,689 Jul 12, 2020 #18 @F20K If that's what you meant to type you should go and fix it, what you put has a completely different meaning. This is saying that she shouldn't be able to detect any humans in the world. Not the other way around like it's supposed to be.
@F20K If that's what you meant to type you should go and fix it, what you put has a completely different meaning. This is saying that she shouldn't be able to detect any humans in the world. Not the other way around like it's supposed to be.
intec Joined May 6, 2018 Messages 62 Jul 12, 2020 #20 @F20K page 5 "男に対していい思い出がないのだ" "She had no fond memories of men." or something like this. English is not my first language, but basically she has bad experiences with men. page 12 "This is no joke"
@F20K page 5 "男に対していい思い出がないのだ" "She had no fond memories of men." or something like this. English is not my first language, but basically she has bad experiences with men. page 12 "This is no joke"