Manadeshi ni Uragirarete Shinda Ossan Yuusha, Shijou Saikyou no Maou to Shite Ikikaeru

Nov 13, 2018
From the first chapter, there are 2 ideas that contradict themselves: 1. this is war; 2. not killing the enemies even though it is killing your allies.
Probably the former hero still confused and still cant kill his former ally and maybe in the next chapter, it will be different.
But then in the second chapter, he still dont want to kill the human that you cant reason it, like warmongering people (if he spare the heroes that still have decency then I can still understand him).

I hope the next chapter, he can become more of a leader for the demon clan. As a leader, you need to take a harsh decision, like killing for the sake of saving a life. I mean you cant defend the demon clan while the human (and god?) want to kill you, but you choose to spare them, let them recover, and let them try to kill you next time. Maybe there is diplomacy later? I hope so, rather than he overpowered all of the heroes by himself and this manga become your trashy OP protagonist manga.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2020
It's worst than that. Everything he's doing is in direct opposition to what he was doing in the very beginning: trying to kill the demon lord.
Now that he's on the other side, he doesn't want to kill his new enemies....even after finding out they are all mostly scum.
That's on the same level as making a law that an animal that killed a human to protect itself must be hunted and killed....
But a human that killed an animal for giggles just get a slap on the wrist.

From the demon's perspective he seems like a great leader, but actually he's a pretty bad one atm. He's not judging their lives at the same lvl as human lives just yet.
Mar 12, 2018
the concept is not that bad, but the execution is so rushed, barely any explanations, motivations or anything of the sorts. It's kinda like watching the "martha" scene from BvS but in fantasy manga version.
Dunno man, this look like a LN/WN promotion to me.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
Yo, his motivations just did a 180 with little to no remorse. Mc-kun also doesn't seem to question or hold anything against the pupil that betrayed him. It feels like he just went, "oh no, my pupil just pranked me, teehee!"

It's like he never held any loyalty to the humans in the first place or had any strong morals since he switches sides so easily. I mean it's a neat concept but nothing is really fleshed out and the pacing bad. Maybe if they went further into his dilemma about humanity or his struggles at being accepted as the new demon lord? Or even have Mc-Kun work to gain the trust of his new allies since he was their enemy just 10 minutes ago? Maybe it would be acceptable as a shounen one-shot, but I've read one-shots with better story telling than this...
Mar 23, 2018
I am not gonna say it was totally bad, but i cant just accepting the concept about the MC reincarnated as a FUCKING STRONGEST DEMON LORD but still fucking STRUGGLE FIGHTING A SMALL FRY.
and it just in chapter 1 though.

His aid (Demon lord secretary i guess) said that, she "Feels that the new Demon lord has power to 10 times or more than the previous Demon lord in her prime".

but after he goes out, he fucking struggle fighting a mere small fries.

What a fucking broken Logic is this.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2020
Dogshit manga where the antagonists are hilariously evil because deep characters are impossible for manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018

Dex-chan lover
Jul 7, 2019
This is how I see it: This is basically an action/romance/comedy type story. It is sorta in the same genre as the Muscle magic manga (with the action slap-stick comedy skits).

It doesn't seem to have been meant to be some edgy murderfest, nor does it seem to be a edgy revenge manga. If you were hoping it to be one of the latter two, then sorry to break it to you, but this ain't that kind of story.

Personally, I enjoy this story cause I like this kind of genre (and the premise is pretty uncommon currently).

In summary, if you don't like seeing the enemies blasting off like team rocket, then this is not the manga for you.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018
Dunno why folks are talking shit about this. New Demon Lord is having trouble with "Small Fry" because he's holding back. Doesn't wanna just go all out and kill everything on both sides with OVERWHELMING PHENOMENAL FIREPOWER.

Remember, kiddies: You never bring artillery to the battle field - not unless you want to KILL EVERYTHING ON BOTH SIDES.

Oh, and humans are the real monsters here? Color me shocked and appalled! Next thing you know you're gonna be saying shit like Andrew Jackson was a fine man and Hirohito did nothing wrong.

Look, I get it. Characterization this and that. It's fine and all, except you're applying the wrong tropes to the wrong subgenre here. This is the subgenre where the hero finds out that a lot of the reasons why the war was continually being waged was because his side had some really fucking nasty people. He knew they were around for sure, but because he didn't hang out in that crowd he didn't know the problem was as bad as it actually was. But he still says that there is hope: that there are those among the humans that want the war to end as much as he does.

There's also clear implication that demons appear genuinely scary as fuck to humans. No reasons are really given for this yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's never really explained. This seems to be the more lighthearted variety of the subgenre, so there's gonna be a lot of things that you shouldn't really investigate too closely.
Sep 17, 2018
Its alright, but the issue with these stories is they always make the hero omnipotent from the start, and then later "kinda" backtrack it whenever they need to pretend there's stakes. It almost reminds me a bit of Utawarerumono, if they could capture that feeling a bit better I think they might have something.
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2019
A textbook example of " I do not know who I am, Or why I am here. All that I know is that i must Kill."

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