Manga description rule, guild to avoid spoiler ? (on the future tittle at least, if change everything now is too late )

Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
Not all humans is a literature prodigy.
You are lucky enough being able to read the manga.

Just look at the definition of a 'description' is.
To think there's a guild note when we are trying to create a manga page is like you are trying to force some people to read the description first rather than the manga itself.

Also what note would you like to show to us? I mean something like that must be long as shit, because you can't just have a few lines note or some literature guidance to make a description not so spoiler-ish.

Also what the fuck guild note is???? Guidelines or something?? Stop using slang or whatever shit that can make people confuse by what you were trying to say.
Dec 31, 2019
Also what the fuck guild note is???? Guidelines or something?? Stop using slang or whatever shit that can make people confuse by what you were trying to say.
C'mon, no need to attack his mostly-coherent post/title. Maybe spellchecker couldn't parse the typo 'guilde' into 'guide' and OP chose 'guild' by chance.
Besides, at this moment you're the last person in this thread who should be calling the kettle black with regards to grammar and spelling mistakes.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
The title can be mistaken as a typo but
So what i suggest is, maybea guild note that pop up, when a uploader create a manga page, So they at least consider the idea of what they write in the description may contain spoiler ?
It's the very first comment and it was edited 17 hours ago. How?
Besides, at this moment you're the last person in this thread who should be calling the kettle black with regards to grammar and spelling mistakes.
Sorry for being srupid on English and my words that probably will hurt some people feelings.

What i was trying to say is not the title but that first post. And my apologize for being dumb at pointing and describing my words.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
This topic makes NO sence literally.

First off, "description" is not exactly properly used on MD. The thing that called "description" here is properly called "synopsis". And "synopsis" is defined as
An outline of the plot of a play, film, or book.

So description synopsis is spoiler by its nature. There's nothing to discuss.
Aug 7, 2019
come on guys, they made a suggestion and it's not like it hasn't been made before. I've read at least one other thread where there was a discussion of what is too much when it comes to tags and descriptions and spoilers. How much is too much or too little is a legitimate concern for people. It is perfectly fair to disagree or object to a suggestion so the developers and designers know that not everyone wants a change made or has possible issues with a change. Attacking his writing seems low to me. I'm guessing it is not their first language which puts him above me in that aspect. I come to this forum to read manga in English because I can't read Japanese, Korean, Chinese or any other language let alone write it yet they are at least trying.

Seems like in the suggestions it should first be about making and discussing suggestions not belittling the user. I can understand correcting someone if they post without reading the features post or they seem to be abusing it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018

The problem is that OP seems don't understand that "description" isn't possible without major spoilers and suggests very generic things.

> A description/summary job is to let the reader have a general idea what the manga is about, or what kind of story they will get.
Ok, understandable opinion. But, let's try to write described "description"...
This story is about (name)'s daily life in different world.
Don't you think that this sort of "general idea" description fits 100% of every isekai? How I'm supposed to pick one isekai over another?

> not specific retold everything happen in chapter 1.
But that's the part that distinguish one story from another. It's required to make a choice if I want to read it or not. Does (name) become hero or villain? Does he tries to live just regular life of typical farmer or whatever? All of this is required!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@pandascepter guild note ? i mean a note, a note that we write a guild.
@BzzBzz nah, i understand it.
I have mention there case in a lot of the reply above. Yes, not every tittle is the same. But i did specific mention there are times when a tittle don't need to reveal the twist.
Now don't just show case every manga and "hey, for example, you idea is not work for manga like this" please,
Aug 7, 2019
@BzzBzz i agree that I think their view of a description is to restrictive, to generic. That is why I commented, probably poorly, on his description, technically it has spoilers, even tags some say are spoilers .... But with all these supposed spoilers I still don't know what is going to happen. Generic or minimal descriptions and tags keep you from being able to determine if you want to read it. In another spoiler thread I commented that there needs to be enough to determine if you want to read it. I value my time in general, but even narrowing it down to manga I view it as every minute reading one manga is a minute I can't spend reading another manga. I want meaningful descriptions not generic ones, I want info. I'm a big supporter of more tags, I'm probably one of the few here that likes mangaupdates tags even if some are "spoilers".

I wasn't kidding about the "spoiler" that he mentions and it being the reason I read the first chapter. I looked at this thread because of the title of the thread but I had no intention to read the manga. I read the spoiler for the manga he linked to, the "spoiler" is what hooked me enough to read the first chapter. I think it was a good thing to put in the description, it worked. Admittedly after reading the last page or so of the chapter I probably won't read any further, but the initial hook worked.

If you referring to my "come on guys" post I was just saying focus on the discussion in this part of the forum not making personal attacks. If language seems to be the issue ask him what he meant. I commend @pandascepter for his apology. I think he is a good person to hear from since he is an uploader and has a view from that side on this issue from having to write or provide descriptions and trying get people to read what he worked on and uploaded.
Aug 7, 2019
@Tcof i think the word you are looking for is guide, basically showing the way or instructing on how to do something. Guild refers to a group of people that are related somehow, like an adventurers guild. Guilds are kind of like Unions.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
I went through those few words and I indicated how they could be spoilers. The cheating if you hadn't mentioned it in your description I wouldn't have known there was cheating involved, not every romance has cheating in it. From the longer description on the manga I would have had no idea that she had been cheated on.

About wanting to be with the guy, you are either misunderstanding me or misquoting me. You are ignoring the part of my chase comment where I say, "it likely isn't a story where they start out mutually attracted to each other". Yes I assumed in a romance that at least one person is going to be interested in the other and wants the love to "bloom". Chase implies no mutual attraction at least initially. Yes she likes him but he doesn't seem to care about her one way or the other.

The "good guy" comment tells me that he is not a jerk and that this story is not going down the romance path of someone chasing someone that is wrong for them or a bad person, basically the bad boy stereotype.

And yes I did read the first chapter and only chapter in English. As a matter of fact I read it because of the mention about the chat, that made me interested without it I wouldn't have bothered reading it. I read some romance but not many. A generic description isn't going to cut it for a lot of people. A description should have enough to make people interested, to say read this one rather then the other "Girl get cheat, feel down, met good guy, chase that guys" story, a description needs enough to tease them.

for these thing you think is spoiler. Hmm ? why i want to hide these thing ? i want to give a summary to the reader right ? so do i want to make it completely blank ? nothing show to the reader., No. These detail is what happen in the manga. They are what the tittle mean, that why i want to it to be in the description, to show what the story is about. So to answer all these question about spoiler "it likely isn't a story where they start out mutually attracted to each other". Yes I assumed in a romance that at least one person is going to be interested in the other and wants the love to "bloom". Chase implies no mutual attraction at least initially." I purposely let you know these detail. You read a manga, you need to know the manga, not make it "most manga" and you as reader get no
thing from the description. What the point ?
For the question in the spoiler tag. "Does it play any farther into the story or is now going to be about the chase?" yes, it can't tell you the whole story. (just 1 chapter and these kind of description usually already freaking long) but yes, it still spoiled you one of the moment suppose to be a surprise. One that like i said, could avoidable.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Tbh this thread is mostly going in circles now, and it's bordering on just disputing semantics. It's evident that you're quite decided in your assertions, as you keep reiterating the same ones.

I just read through the second chapter of the manga you keep using as an example for 'a description that has unnecessarily spoilery details' (Hana Wants This Flower to Bloom!), and it's become pretty clear-cut that "Hana discovers that he just might be the person she's been talking to online for the past four years!" is an integral part of the story and its developments.

As I've said previously, this is entirely a nonissue. If you want to keep affirming your perspective, then I won't stop you (a thread lock might though), but it's simply unsound and misguided reasoning.

Happy New Year!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@bigtiddyoneesan First, my suggest is give a note to suggest the uploader, who will create manga page, when at it they will at least give it a thought. But give a note could let them have a idea they may fall into one of a common mistake. So they could keep it in mind and avoid it if they can. There are case that unavoidable, but there are case can. So why not ?

Second, just like the first point, it is depend on each manga. And this manga is just a example i happen to see after a while so i put a link, as example. As i said once, not just twist. same method of writing a description is also spoiled because you know all even before you read. For real, there are description just write everything in chapter 1. And when you read ch1 it is no fun reading. So yes, it could improve.

Third, this is about the example itself. Honestly, while the twist is a big factor of the story (as if it is a surprise) it is still mean to be a surprise for the reader at the moment it reveal, And yes, if it was me i won't make the twist make to the description. Unlike hard copy, in this site you can try read it for free. Why want to know that specific before you even read it
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
The problem is not about the Description/Synopsis being spoilerish or not. The main problem in this discussion is, that you're not even provide us some example on guide note on how to make a description not so spoilerish (a.k.a how to become a good writer).

As contributor on MD and other platform to write and adding some new releases such as an Indie oneshot (original) and original series on pixiv, twitter, etc i'm tend to adding a description as an information about the manga/comic that i read, not the plot. (which is kinda defeat the purpose of a synopsis, but still i have given the general idea what's going on).

Afterall these shit wont matter, since synopsis (and description) purpose is to tell the general idea about what'll happen on the story and shit.
Jun 29, 2018
Honestly find a description that doesn't in some way spoil the first few chapters of a manga. Because I bet you it's not a popular manga or the description is so generic that people skip over it. If you want a spoiler free experience, then just don't read the description. Look at the tags, if you like what you see, then start reading.

Personally I feel like "spoiling" early parts of a Manga really shouldn't mean much, since all that happens in the early parts of a story is setting up the plot, and a plot setup shouldn't need to rely on a secret twist to be good.

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