Anyone know of a manga where male Mc is pretty much like Gerald from the Witcher games. Also romance is there with two female leads like tries and yen who are written pretty good
The wolf won’t sleep is pretty close. But I don’t think it lives up to @bigtiddyoneesan ‘s suggestion. Also mr. big tiddy I see you fucking everywhere does your life consist of only hentai and shitposting?
I mean def covers the romance I guess, do u know of anything that has more plot because sure the Witcher has sex and romance which is great but what’s better is that those moments have more story to them this seems more like hentai but I’ll still read
Nah bro it's because I don't use social media. Take the average time most normies spend scrolling Twitter/Instagram, and that's roughly how much time I shitpost.
Sorry, that's the only manga I've ever read, so I just recc it when it's relevant. Gl finding more tho.
Yeah I heard triss isn’t a huge part of the books and is a minor character. I’m playing witcher3 rn that’s why I asked for recommendation I want to play Witcher 2 and I’m not going to play the Witcher 1 because it’s way to old and has bad graphics and looks like it has pretty clunky gameplay. So if u have any recommendations it would be helpful