Manga reader preferences don't persist

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Dec 3, 2018
The manga reader settings so not persist for me. I'm talking about the settings such as 'fit to container' and 'data saver -> compressed images'. I set them all the time, but after switching to a different manga, all the settings have been reset.

If I was going from a pages-style chapter to a long-image format, it makes sense that it would switch, but I mostly read page-style manga and it seems like 90% of the time the settings are reset. Sometimes it even happens when I go from one chapter to the next in the same series.

Is this just me? Is there a fix for this?

On a related note, I have data saver turned on in my profile settings, but it is never set in the reader settings.
Dec 3, 2018
Sorry, I meant to mention that in my original post. I am not doing anything to block mangadex's cookies specifically, although I do use Firefox's Private Browsing mode. My assumption was that it kept cookies around until you closed the session, therefore I would expect to need to change the setting each time I opened a new window, but it is getting reset even while I have the same Private Browsing instance open.

I just tested running mangadex in a regular, non-private window and the manga reader settings are behaving as I would expect, so it appears to be something to do with the Private Browsing mode, though it doesn't make sense why the settings don't persist within the same Private Browsing session. Just to be clear - I would expect to loose my settings after closing the Private Browsing session. The reason for my post is that the settings are getting reset for almost every chapter while I'm still in a single Private Browsing session.
Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
@oftentell Private Browsing aggressively nukes cookies, even within a single session.
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