Currently, it is uncertain if this page will be functioning again any time soon, you can still, however, still see the website status at
Intentionally disabled.
If you filter by the last 90d (example) it shows that Grafana is still working, it's just that the timeseries data was cut off.
I use to be able to see the network status, (viewing how busy MD is) via
Has the status page been discontinued, or do I have to logon to view it ? Or something else...
Currently, it is uncertain if this page will be functioning again any time soon, you can still, however, still see the website status at
Currently, it is uncertain if this page will be functioning again any time soon, you can still, however, still see the website status at
The dashboard on just showed stats about MD@H nodes. Nothing about the API or other components of MD were displayed in it. So arguably the status is more useful to almost everyone.