
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2023
so this group is sniping now ontop of ruining all the works they touch.... i really wish mangadex would get rid of this group already. they contribute nothing to manga in general except for showing how incompetent they are and that they are like the SJW's lesbian strange short hair color fat chick redrawing and getting rid of any fan service because it doesnt like them in the manga..
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2020
so this group is sniping now ontop of ruining all the works they touch.... i really wish mangadex would get rid of this group already. they contribute nothing to manga in general except for showing how incompetent they are and that they are like the SJW's lesbian strange short hair color fat chick redrawing and getting rid of any fan service because it doesnt like them in the manga..
The group is gone I think, their site got nuked and I bet they got a cease and desist
Dex-chan lover
Oct 15, 2019
My guess, a mod started mass uploading their stuff after their old site got knocked offline... ...and probably doesn't know of their NEW site is up and running.
Double-page supporter
Mar 12, 2018
yay they finally gone
I cant wait for other translators to pick up what they dropped.......
after 10 years

I guess some of us have to suffer a few more years not reading them...
react dumb or whatever
ya'll know not that many does translation as a hobby anymore
so celebrate that another translation site has gone
nuke it all i say
everyone should learn another language instead of being some freeloading piece of shit demanding FREE high quality translation from other people as if they are entitled to it.
Yep, because asking for money to read chapters without giving a cent from it to the actual author is totally morally right.

Also, several of their series were popular enough that others wanted to translate but didn't do so because they took it.

Finally, "Not many does the translation as a hobby"... It's for that that we still have a lot of chapters from all genre getting translated at every hour, that solo newbie translator regularly pick forgotten serie.

Additionally, if you are unhappy about not being able to read new chapters, why don't YOU learn another language

No seriously, put your makeup and wig, the circus is waiting for you
Dex-chan lover
Feb 28, 2023
Friendly reminder that you can report this group, best to let the site know this group is only hurting them.
Active member
Jan 17, 2018
Where did you find it?

It's definitely them, too many coincidences: the same website layout, same locked chaptes, same titles and the first new chapters right after manhwafreak shutdown.
Some of the releases on the site have credits page and just cross-ref if it with MF release page and you'll find similar names, including The_Ghost.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
yay they finally gone
I cant wait for other translators to pick up what they dropped.......
after 10 years

I guess some of us have to suffer a few more years not reading them...
react dumb or whatever
ya'll know not that many does translation as a hobby anymore
so celebrate that another translation site has gone
nuke it all i say
everyone should learn another language instead of being some freeloading piece of shit demanding FREE high quality translation from other people as if they are entitled to it.
Scanslation has always been a hobby and always will be a hobby, it's pathetic leeches like you and ScamwhaFucks that came in and tried to make it a "business". Especially with actual "publishers" coming in and trying to pretend MTL is a replacement for commercial translation. Scanslation is gonna stick around if that's the future of English language manga.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
everybody here salty they paywalled their translations
they specifically said they will paywall shit if they see the views are more on aggregators
ya'll making aggregators rich btw
no effort at all
suffer MTL forever!
How bout you actually advocate for some actual quality. Literally anything would be better than this. Hell theres a group literally named Shit Scans who does better "work" than this garbage.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Just a reminder to everyone, any offenses like this that go against the mangadex rules should be reported. From what I've seen, site admins don't usually get super involved in stuff that's just pointed out in comment sections, but they use user reports as one of their main ways of knowing what needs to be fixed/changed on the site (which is kind of the point of reporting things in the first place, so good on them).
If you see this group do something that breaks the MD rules, report the chapter. I'd say report the group itself, or possibly even the group leader The_Ghost, but I looked at the options in the Report Reason dropdown for both groups and users and none of the them really fit as far as I can tell (you could potentially use the "Other" option and describe the situation, but I feel like that's not the optimal solution). However, if enough people report the chapters (using the correct Report Reason options), and enough of the offending chapters get reported, I'm pretty sure they'd get upload restricted.
I don't know enough about mangadex's administrative process to say for sure, but I'd imagine that if they get upload restricted enough times, or if there's a clear pattern in the reports, the staff may even take more severe actions (like locking or banning the group outright, banning the group leader, etc.).

TL;DR: Report any of their uploads that break the rules, and trust that the system will work and the staff will address the issue.
May 14, 2019
Not an advocate; but their titles that I read were of acceptable quality.
Not all their chapters were paywalled; paywalled chapters were being unlocked after some time.
Not top-tier; maybe MTL-assisted, but it's definitely readable; they work on the titles: they do clean and do typeset, they do check and explain some special meanings in harder titles.
They had a community that operated for a couple of years and they've fixed mistakes that readers had found.
Some of their titles were never translated before or dropped for a very long time, there are not that many groups that accept commissions on translations for everything.

They definitely resort to some questionable practices; and nuking discord servers and renaming the group TWICE without telling anything to the community confirms it.
But saying that
Literally anything would be better than this. Hell theres a group literally named Shit Scans who does better "work" than this garbage.
is an overstatement.

There were groups way worse both in term of quality of translations and in scumminess. (Comicstar and all his alternative names that I don't even remember is the first that comes to mind)
I agree with greyhud 90: if I don't like them, I don't pay (and I've never paid for scanlation); but having them is 100% better than having no translation at all or waiting for years in hopes for something to get translated.

How removing them from mangadex will make anything better is beyond me.
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Fed-Kun's army
Dec 19, 2018
I sure hope they're a dead group since it's one thing to have mediocre to bad translations, it another to literally censor chapters you do, removing many things you consider "fanservice" that you can still find in the raws, and then to put some of those edited chapters behind paywalls? Real scumbag moves from garbage TLs.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2020
I sure hope they're a dead group since it's one thing to have mediocre to bad translations, it another to literally censor chapters you do, removing many things you consider "fanservice" that you can still find in the raws, and then to put some of those edited chapters behind paywalls? Real scumbag moves from garbage TLs.
Was wondering why the other guy was making up something about SJW stuff when they were doing it to keep advertising... which I also find weird cause they're still participating in extra-legal practices
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
Not an advocate; but their titles that I read were of acceptable quality.
They were trash.
Not all their chapters were paywalled; paywalled chapters were being unlocked after some time.
Roll that round in your head for awhile: a group paywalling their releases. It doesn't matter if they "eventually" release it, they're literally making revenue from an IP they have no ownership of. If you think this is reasonable, you are as scummy as them.
Not top-tier; maybe MTL-assisted, but it's definitely readable; they work on the titles: they do clean and do typeset, they do check and explain some special meanings in harder titles.
They are 100% MTL. They are not native English speakers and it showed constantly in grammar, typesetting, and language.
Some of their titles were never translated before or dropped for a very long time, there are not that many groups that accept commissions on translations for everything.
They CONSTANTLY sniped. Almost every series they worked with was one they snuck in and started "working" on. They did this because they looked for popular series to maximize their paywall potential. There aren't many groups accepting commissions for translation because it's a shady practice with huge potential for malicious behavior. Like, for example, accepting payment for doing half-assed MTL.

They're a collection of shitty scammers, and the site is better without them. You would admit this if you weren't a 4-post sock puppet.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
Not top-tier; maybe MTL-assisted, but it's definitely readable; they work on the titles: they do clean and do typeset, they do check and explain some special meanings in harder titles.
"We focus in better quality of the projects we working on them."

read that nice and slow, and tell me with a straight face that they even speak English.

there is no "maybe MTL Assisted", MTL assisted would be miles better than these chumps.

how much they pay you to shill?
Jan 20, 2023
So they closed both of their site? I hope they will continue here some series that i like to read before, or at least someone from other group pick it up.

I read currently this Series namend: Becoming the Sacheon Dang's Swordsmaster-Rank Young Lord, and i like it.
And they have Kitchen Soldier, which is good serie too.

But now their current state as a Group.... I wonder if all projects will dropped or not....

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