Just a reminder to everyone, any offenses like this that go against the mangadex rules should be reported. From what I've seen, site admins don't usually get super involved in stuff that's just pointed out in comment sections, but they use user reports as one of their main ways of knowing what needs to be fixed/changed on the site (which is kind of the point of reporting things in the first place, so good on them).
If you see this group do something that breaks the MD rules, report the chapter. I'd say report the group itself, or possibly even the group leader The_Ghost, but I looked at the options in the Report Reason dropdown for both groups and users and none of the them really fit as far as I can tell (you could potentially use the "Other" option and describe the situation, but I feel like that's not the optimal solution). However, if enough people report the chapters (using the correct Report Reason options), and enough of the offending chapters get reported, I'm pretty sure they'd get upload restricted.
I don't know enough about mangadex's administrative process to say for sure, but I'd imagine that if they get upload restricted enough times, or if there's a clear pattern in the reports, the staff may even take more severe actions (like locking or banning the group outright, banning the group leader, etc.).
TL;DR: Report any of their uploads that break the rules, and trust that the system will work and the staff will address the issue.