Mannen D-rank no Chuunen Boukensha, Yotta Ikioi de Densetsu no Ken o Hikkonuku - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Scorching Battle

Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
danke für das TL

can anyone gimme da sauce for pink hair and silver hair?
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
Somehow even with the plotting, it was just a normal match, he didn't even do any outfield support, he basically didn't cheat at all.
So we can conclude that 1, the author is the worst schemer ever or 2, the author knew that any actual difficulty would be too much for the MC party to beat so he tuned down the opposition.
Also, why did the bad guy wait 4 years? Was she untouchable for 4 years somehow? I don't really remember the earlier chapters but really, 4 years? She had actual no ability to beat him even 1v1 before yesterday and he's some money kid with infinite evil henchmen, 4 years how!
And the mostivations of the bad guy, he just flat out goes and says he gets off on rape, but somehow he has to beat her fair and square (with OP items) before he can rape her, is that like law in this world? Is there some god that decides what's okay rape and whats not okay rape? Why is this story making me ask what is considered okay rape in this madman of an authors mind.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
@Valve i guess you can say for the sake of pride he wanted to prove his superiority before everything else. also given his pompus attitude i wouldnt hesitate to say this isnt the first time he's done this.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Valve I think the 4 years was to destroy her family, and leave her destitute, so that giving in to him would be the desirable choice. So he can make her despair even worse. IIRC the weapon and armor on her were all she had left to her name, until she met the MC.
Aggregator gang
Apr 1, 2019
lmao. id be like "sorry, i dont know how to turn the flame off. better hurry or he'll burn to death."
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@Valve Dude has influence but he is still just a local influence so he can't just do shit like bring 20 people with him to a public tournament and have them fight his opponents, that's not how scheming works and it would reach a highter authority really quickly, which would end up badly, without even speaking about public opinion (which is especialy important when a random can have the power of an army, it's kinda dangerous to be seen as evil by normal people in that case)

Also for the 4 year thing, she was stronger than him and had her family as support, he was highter ranking but it still took a while to bring all of her support down (4 years is actualy too short for that kind of stuff, IRL it sometime took like a decade just to bring a family to it's knee unless you were like the king).

She couldn't beat him before because he stacked the deck for 4 years before trying to fight her again, the first time they fought, she kicked his ass, she is clearly stronger when he can't stack the deck in his favor (like here, if it wasn't for the enchantement, special sword and all that shit, he had no hope of winning despite training for 4 years with special stuff)

Yes, you have to beat someone before raping them, raping someone you can't overpower is kinda freaking hard, it's not a question of okay or not.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
So, is he dead now like he should be, or will the author come up with some retarded plot reason as to why he still lives? Because he pretty publicly announced that he's a rapist, so having him die in front of the masses is absolutely acceptable, if not recommended.
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
@BalrogDeMorgoth look at CountryMage, made a good comment, said things that made sense and it felt like it wasn't nonsense said just to feel superior.
Anyway, you said nothing of value, you're wrong on every point and on the last point you didn't even make any logical sense, someone has to be physically stronger to rape someone? You what? Seriously...
Anyway I don't want to go into it and point out every fault in your statment because they are obviously just flat out wrong and sounds like things made up by someone that didn't read the comic, so don't come with some "no but actually I was right all along" reply please.
Learn from CountryMage and say things that make sense next time.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
I bet that he wasn't just sitting by for 4 years, he likely was making her options become very limited. Plus, until literally yesterday, this would have been possibly better option for her. She had no real backing or personal power to defend herself. She was not helpless, but she couldn't contest against him. He ruined her entire household after all.

Plus, his personality would not allow himself to simply force his way on her to the end. He has a massive ego, is a sadist, and has a superiority complex which can rival even the creepiest of political figures throughout the entire isekai-harem genera. In addition to that, he simply enjoys the slow process of whittling down his target's options until they are gone. Then he would offer them an out (not really though) which would seem more beneficial to them if they took it. But in reality, it is a trap since they were the target in the first place. Remember that Aria is actually a former noble, daughter of a Hero/Saint in fact. But because of Lyos( or Raios?)' actions, she has lost everything, even her father was executed on false charges. Her willingly offering herself to him because she has been broken down to that extent is his ultimate goal. He wants her to be his toy, to do with as he pleases.

ALSO, he did a lot of outfield shit. He literally poisoned what he expected to be her friend (as he did stand up for her, worked with her durring the trials, etc), and held him as a "hostage" so she would throw the match for his sake. If she didn't have the long range communication, she may have given in for his sake. He also paid off a lot of people. Her match was fixed so He would be her opponent. Lucas's match was fixed so that the official would go all out in hopes that he loses miserably or is even killed by "accident".
Dex-chan lover
Sep 28, 2018
Silver Hair - Shinigami ni Sodaterareta Shoujo wa Shikkoku no Tsurugi wo Mune ni Idaku
Pink Hair - Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Missing first page?
Looking at the nummers at the botton of the page, page 29 should be the cover...

Anyway, thanks for the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@Valve explaining what you clearly didn't understand or read in the story isn't 'nonsense to feel superior', what i said doesn't magicaly become condescending just because you feel embarassed from missing obvious stuff and failing to understand basic logic.

'y-y-y-y-you're wrong !!' say the dude who completly didn't understand the story and is unable to point out anything wrong with what i said.

'i-i-i-i won't point out what's wrong !!!' yeah, you won't because you can't, it's kinda hard to do stuff you're unable to.

Unless seeing his dick magicaly paralyse her, yes, he need to be stronger to rape her or he'll just get his ass kicked, that's basic logic, use your brain rather than desperatly flail because you want to avoid the embarassement after making clear you didn't read the story.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Soo the new comers is that Totem kid iseka and that AI? from Rebuild World
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
So, now he has a reason to have a woman army, he gives them Soul Swords. Whatever they see inside the soul, it reflects what it is.

No wonder he ran away so hard from that slut, she doesn't have a soul.


Dec 17, 2018
I thought only his clothes are burning and FMC has already deactivate her flame?

chapter 1 page 10
"Because of his age his libido is failing"
age 37 really his age? not his unbalanced life with stress, alcohol etc. without a social life, hobby etc.

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