Is there a clean version of page 2? Would love to have it as a background.
@Zugzwane @trulyhideous Seems expensive, but depends on the quality of the material.
Eggplant Seal (60x60x120cm): 80,000 Yen (JPY) = 7,009.17 Krone (NOK). A small price to pay for decades of happiness. Perhaps even a family heirloom.
Eggplant Seal (30cm): 4,620 Yen (JPY) = 404.78 Krone (NOK). Maybe the size is referring to the length? That would make it 15cm tall if proportional? A bit pricey for the size.
Forehead Devil (10cm): 2,200 Yen (JPY) = 192.75 Krone (NOK). Small. I wish they were bigger.