Maou-sama ni Shoukan sareta kedo Kotoba ga Tsuujinai - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - This is Just Not My Type

Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
It's not just the outfit, it's the patchwork.
The one we've seen up until now had tanned (?) patch on the right side of his head, which includes his ear.
This one has a patch on the left side of his head. Also the tail sizes appear to be different. The left patch has a short patched tail while the other is longer and unpatched.

Whats more interesting, unless it was a mistake, was in the last chapter the golem that the MC saw had swapped ears.
So there's definitely two Golems. Maybe three depending on if that was a mistake or not.
Feb 26, 2019

Written and spoken language? Perhaps.
If just spoken in that language and if the student is very interested and not just to pass the time and score some arbitrary marking scheme? Then it would just take about a week or so, with several hours after work every day, depend on the student capability and the people surrounding him interest in using that said language.
This is my real life experience in teaching an expatriate how to speak the local language to communicate with local colleagues better.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
ToO CuTe ... mY SugAR ... LEveL ... is ... Glou Glou Glou (drowning noisies)
Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2019
Can we get the other side of this? The perspective of Demonking-Chan, I just want to know what she is thinking during all this.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 6, 2019
I need someone remind me that main is not primary school student
He is way too cute shota
May 16, 2019
I'm confused by the -kun/-san question in this chapter. I thought -kun was the male equivalent of -chan, and that -san was genderless?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@TMoane Chan is a lot more comradely than Kun has ended up being, or so I understood it. In school if you're being normally polite, then boys will be -kun but girls will be -san.
Aggregator gang
Sep 20, 2018
@TMoane I'm no japanese expert but neither -kun or -chan are gender specific, I don't know how to explain it so I'll use examples, Ainz from Overlord uses very polite speech and you can see him in Isekai Quartet using Kun for Emilia, calling her Emilia-kun, then for Chan, I recall an adult woman in Bleach that used chan for the main character Kurosaki Ichigo, I think she was his boss from his human job and she was overly friendly with him by calling him Ichigo-chan.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
-kun and -chan ARE typically gender-specific, but they aren't always used for their intended purpose (living language and all that). In this scenario, since -chan is a more "diminutive" appellation than -kun, it's okay to call a male you have passing familiarity with as X-kun but it's not okay to call a female you have passing familiarity with Y-chan, so you'd default to the gender-neutral X-san. Whether you're older or younger than the speaker, if you're adults or children, what your respective positions in the social hierarchy (and how much you want to show deference to that) all play a part in which is the more appropriate choice in a given situation, but that's all context Japanese speakers already have and is too broad to fit in a TL note.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 8, 2018
From my mere experience from manga and anime, kun and chan are gender specific for being respectful/formal. You see imouto calls her brother onii-chan works only when they are very close and being informal is ok. Usually, in normal setting, you see otouto and imouto call their bother as (o)nii-san. Pretty much the same for onee-chan, nee-chan, and nee-san.
A few example I see someone addresses a female as kun are: the female is young and/or tomboy, the caller is a granpa, or men who are around the female's dad age + being her boss.
A male is called chan when someone has any purpose that is not being respectful / formal to someone. For example: Majima from Yakuza always calls Kiryu with chan; gay men or merchants(any gender) call male with chan; or punks picking a fight like: "Hey onii-chan, mind if I borrow your wallet?"

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