There is a ton to like about this series but there is a lot of bullshit. The is no end of the grandstanding of some of the characters, and the interesting ones with clear goals and motivations that are well told and executed get shafted in favor of “mysterious character 309 needs to fuck around in the countryside thanks to the mysterious prophecy 512” and the reader just gets more and more frustrated because of the endless bullshit these characters get up to. I just want the hero to just fucking snap and go “what the hell are you guys even on about, fuck this, fuck you” and show the various thots around him the back of his hand until they start speaking sense.- kinda like what happened AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE MANGA.
At the end of the day. The world building is amazing, the side characters are great, and the main characters are bearable, but it’s really let down by a bunch of bullshit mystery that’s thrown in for no reason. 7/10