Maria no Danzai - Ch. 17 - Friends

Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
I am worried that because the mc is female and attractive the author will be tempted to get edgy.
Tbh it's really depending on how the author cooks.
If anything, the MC being female means she has less advantages when it comes to strength and has to rely on brain more.
Honestly I'm up for more psychology play than just gore
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
the SPEED in that drop kick GOD DAMM, nice to see momy being a good liar, i hope she gets away with it all.
Double-page supporter
Apr 15, 2020
1.- Impulsive
2.- Easy to manipulate
3.- Actually considers the others as friends
This guy is so killing himself if he's not the next target.
Dec 14, 2023
She was such a cold and cruel woman that i forgot she could still play that card. That was smart from the author.
Dec 14, 2023
This guy and his friends horribly bullied her son and then murdered him, and he has the gall to act like some self-righteous hero about his two scumbags friends being dead
Well, even gangsters care about each other in real life.
Mar 11, 2019

1. Big guy dies third

2. Kill the fatso third and manipulating the big guy at the same time, kill the big guy fourth.

3. Two but both die at the same time.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2020
Bro... who is he to say "you're not the type to hang out at a club"? Specially in Japan where people have their mysterious lives outside work, school, etc.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 16, 2023
still it surprises me how Kinugawa has the most sense of friendship among the bullies considering he is shaped as the token brute.
It's classic gap moe! Gotta love it

Looks like my guess on Kinugawa was more or less on the money. Obviously he's not the greatest person, but I did assume he cared more than the narrative was willing to let on at first blush. He's got good intuition, but he's emotional and easy to sway; I wonder if he won't get kept around a little longer while Maria goes for someone else, since he's clearly someone she can manipulate? I think that could be fun, but I'm willing to see where it goes regardless.

His comment about the only thing left being to kill the person who killed the people he cared about is also interesting. He doesn't know it (yet), but he and Maria are on the same page. The inevitable conversation should be interesting to see. I hope we get to see more of the psychological/mindgames side of the story soon; the internal narration on Maria's part about how to handle Kinugawa's question is cool.

Thanks for the TL as always!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Going to prison for murdering randos isn’t a bad punishment for them, but she can’t keep up her Oscar winning facade after hearing that and not reacting appropriately.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
I feel like token brutes being needy people is kinda a common occurrence in fiction. Like, they are too stupid to think for themselves, so they latch onto anyone who's there to show them goodwill and provide them with direction.
Not manga and not even Japanese example, but Gunther Hermann from Deus Ex comes to me as an example of a needy brute
given how much he emphasized 'friends', maybe other than the male gyaru look i wouldn't be surprised if he was like mixed raced and ostracized for that or just grew up looking like a delinquent and leaning into that part and getting involved with the ringleader who gave him 'acceptance'
Active member
Mar 7, 2020
I feel like token brutes being needy people is kinda a common occurrence in fiction. Like, they are too stupid to think for themselves, so they latch onto anyone who's there to show them goodwill and provide them with direction.
Not manga and not even Japanese example, but Gunther Hermann from Deus Ex comes to me as an example of a needy brute
I was thinking of Lenny from "Of Mice and Men"

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