this manga is so shit in so many levels
1.the mc is a pussy he deserves it
2.the mother is a bitch
3.lets be real , a female in a revenge theme?? no
4.looks more like a shoujo manga
5.i already hate the author , hope he/she doesnt have a family cuz they are a bunch of losers who make garbage like this.
1. He’s not the mc and if he was a pussy he wouldn’t have saved the kid who got bullied first. Do tell us what is it that he did that made him deserve getting bullied to death, oh Mr. Internet Tough Guy?
2. For being upset that her son got killed?
3. I’m surprised there’s someone this uncultured they haven’t heard of Kill Bill.
4. Tell me you have never read a shoujou manga without telling me you have never read a shoujou manga.
5. Getting this upset over someone just because they make a manga you don’t like is pretty unhealthy.
P.S From my observation, it seems like you’re either a zoomer or from the hood. Probably both.