really sick premise but really lukewarm execution imo.
compare this to something like shadows house. same confusing setting in the beginning (wtf is a shadow and why are these kids so weird), but there it becomes apparent later what's really going on.
this series leaves many open questions, but not in a good way, mainly because the trickle of information that DOES exist just puts plot holes everywhere. in shadows house i have no idea what's happening but it clearly takes place in an alternate universe, so anything is possible and I have no complaints. but here, I'm supposed to believe this is a prestigious school in...normal society?
implying that this takes place in normal society raises all sorts of issues. how would a batshit insane school system like this ever come about? why do they treat getting expelled so seriously? why are they all orphans?
normal society has rules. alternate realities can have different rules. the issue here is that the worldbuilding in this series doesn't do enough to convince me that
a) this does not take place in normal society
b) this will make sense when it's all explained,
as it seems to break all of normal society's rules...yet also exist in normal society.
in addition i'm not really a fan of the mc's cartoonish emotion flipping. the author isn't following the rule that every situation should do more than just one thing. at most, these gags are just characterizing the mc as a goof. unless eating a mandarin becomes important later, that was a forgettable and unnecessary moment, and not something i will find joy in rereading.
in short, worldbuilding is a little lackluster and writing could use less filler.
disclaimer writing is hard and it's always easier to criticize than to do, but i still believe what i wrote is true (on the flip side, the art is very good)