I don't get it.. so, girls just straight up receive weapons for their contract, and contracted men turn contracted girls into their weapons or something?
I don't get it.. so, girls just straight up receive weapons for their contract, and contracted men turn contracted girls into their weapons or something?
"im a B-cup I mean b-class I'm not strong but I know a lot of poses"
anyway it's just another mc overpowered with hot girl manga not really worth it but I'm still gonna read it
And that it's basically the fast food formula for 90% of CN's contract-magic-ish stories...
also, what's with the idea of pronouncing your rank in front of the whole school? Doesn't that invites jealousy and hatred between students which kinda pave ways for incidents...? And why is the S-rank girl dressing sensually in the public??? Lots of useless questions I have...