Yuuki has them... magic hands.
In the end, things turned out to the better to a certain extent, Ren seems to have been humbled a little, and because of Bell she has accepted it well, Kyouka will become chief, and despite all, she can galvanize the units well.
But there is two things that this chapter brings up... now the other gods of thunder know about Yuuki, interest will turn in obsession, a thing that can be exploited, but if they can get him there is a chance things can become dire, him having those three inside his spirit plane still is a anomaly.
And second... I am still worried about Yakumo, maybe I am looking at it wrong but... there is something not right about her reasons to be a chief, she says she is the bread winner of the family, that she has many little sisters, but... her eyes when she says that look kinda vacant, like she resents the position, and during the election she acted like she really doesnt care.