Why don’t the dudes try to move to another country? They are treated like garbage and can get transported to hell and killed by monsters at any time, while being powerless against them.
@Ardesc Raws on WSJ+ site uncensored for few hours. You can type set uncensored page 48 and replace it instead reuploading whole chapter.
Um I got to ask.. if she can change her body size... why do the cloths get bigger and smaller too ? Shouldnt they like stretch or something.
and great.. another girl whos being a bitch. Blackmail, oh boy my favourit.... not. He should just threaten to walk out. He was legitly cleaning the bathroom afterall, Stand tall and tell it as it is. Worse he can do is just walk out right ? (Its obvious the master girl NEEDS HIM). Hope he wont keep playing the submissive role.