How would Varvara's reward go? Would it be servicing Kyouka together with Yuki? Or would it be treating Yuki as well as she would treat Kyouka? Or would it be rewarding Yuki together with Kyouka?
If it's servicing Kyouka together, I hope it leads to a small "which of us two knows more about Kyouka-sama's good points" competition. Or at least, that the next chapter opens with:
Varvara: This is the power of Yuuki's feelings for Kyouka-sama...
Yuuki: No, this is the power of OUR feelings for Kyouka! (Thumbs up)
Kyouka: I can hear that you two!
Seriously though, am I the only who thinks Varvara and Yuuki have the potential to develop a very interesting friendship? And I mean, actual friendship, not the reward stuff.