Mato Seihei no Slave

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018

thx buddy. is the app free or does it have a monthly subscription fee like urasunday and pocket shonen magazine?
Jun 6, 2019
Extremely beta male and fourth wave feminism fantasy. I'm pretty sure if the genders were swapped, it would've been axed on the first chapter.
A huge pass for me on this one
Mar 18, 2019
@Middleware you're projecting a fucking lot of "political" baggage onto this obviously-an-S&M-fetish manga. Then again, it's safe to assume the kind of person you are considering your unironic use of the term beta male.

Only one type of person in the incel fantasy of betas and chads uses the term beta male, and guess what, it ain't the fuckin chads.
Mar 5, 2019
Why do people get upset over the female power fantasy its kinda neglected in the story at this point
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 23, 2018
Seems humanoid shuuki are the strongest ones and wonder if yuukis sister is considered a shuuki. If true maybe shuuki were once human and also get more power by eating fruits.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
Thanks western culture. Now people can't just simply enjoy an ecchi lewd lewd manga about a man loving it as a slave. Instead, they would rather think of politics and such.

Thanks so much lol
Mar 6, 2019
@Nyaaa @ShdoopDoop

Except this manga is not about 1 male mc's fetish for being a slave. It's not about women in power. That would be fine. It's a sexist portrayal of the male gender as a whole. It projects a reality that normalises disrespecting men as an entire gender and treating them as slaves.

Imagine if the roles were reversed, would you react the same way? You can bet the exact same people would call it out for misogyny and pushing sexist stereotypes against women(rightfully so). In the media, the slightest male dominance in movies/shows/comics is fiercely called out as 'patriarchy' and 'misogyny' - literally all the time. (funny we never see comments like yours asking people to stop talking politics and just enjoy)

So you're right to blame 'western culture'/social justice for setting this precedent. But when it's sexist portrayals of men we just wanna sweep it under the rug and attack anyone who brings it up like @Middleware??

Honestly, it's such an appalling double standard. Think about it. Calling out sexist portrayals of women = social justice, calling out sexist portrayals of men ='thinking about politics', let's just enjoy it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2018
Online men's rights activists never cease to make me laugh. You're just as obnoxious as militant feminists lmao
I don't see many women crying about ecchi manga where it's the women that are being exploited.
Just chill the fuck out and enjoy the lewds, this is not a place for political discussion.
Sep 28, 2018
@farhanyen stfu. Roles reversed? You see mangas and animes that are way more popular with roles reversed. Why I don't see majority of the people having the same reaction as you. If you don't like a manga then gtfo. People have their own taste in lewds as they do in porn. Fantasies exist. Kinks are a thing. This is not a place for political shenanigans. If you want something done right then there are better places to do that. My goodness.

Why are you even here? Are you one of those political junkies that secretly hide something "shameful"? Calling it out but bingeing it at the same time? Prude
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018

And there it is. The exact type of guy that I was talking about. Moreover... Did you just assume that I have double standard regarding gender? I watch papa Gundam, and I agree with most of his opinion (I'm more idealistic than him). And also because he is funny. So your assumption about me is wrong! Now cry and beg for my forgiveness! Ahahahahahahahahahaha- cough cough-uh...

Getting back to the topic... No matter whether its the exaggerated portrayal of men or women, my reaction will be the same. If the manga is enjoyable, then I will read and enjoy it. If it doesn't, then I simply won't.

This is a place where weebs can enjoy and read manga. A form of entertainment. This is not a place for people to wage war with politics. Light discussion? Sure. But your comment is no longer "light". It's filled with fuel.

If you want to wage war with your views in politics, go somewhere else more appropriate like facebook or twitter.

Once again, this is a place to read a form of entertainment. Not to wage war.
Active member
Mar 21, 2018
the description should be,
follow the story of sadist heroines

mangadex should add tags, like female dominance

this not my type, so dropped.

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