Max Level Returner

Jul 21, 2018
This is so fucking cringy and boring, I can't read this anymore
And the costumes looks like from some fucking superhero porn parody movie
I'm very surprised Reaper Scans decided to translate this in the first place with how bad it is
Usually they pickup something at least decent
It's really bad.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 25, 2020
I will drop this only because it doesn't bring anything unique to the table.. if u want a cookie cutter returner manhwa with subpar art and childish dialogues sure go ahead and read it. I only read it because two of my favourite scan groups Asura and Reaper_scans picked it up so I thought it would be decent, sad to say I was dissapointed. This is one of those storys you binge and forgot about it a week later. To put it into perspective it's rating is under 7 which is rare even by mangadex standards, just goes to show how bad it is..
Jun 13, 2020
Max Level Retuner, Ch. 35 is missing all text on page 6, some on 7, and all SFX after page 6.
This is both on Mangadex and Asura scans website.
Fed-Kun's army
May 31, 2018
The MC strikes me as an isekai Batman creating the Justice League.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
What I don't get is of the 120 million gamers playing this game why are none them the typical 12 year old Fortnite players? Did everyone age in the other world? Is that why all the main characters are adults? Was the game age restricted? I doubt it, there are barely any games in the top 50 most popular games that have higher than a 14+ age restriction. Since there were mages and production classes you can't even argue that physically weaker children would not have a chance. Especially as there was that one kid in the first chapter that apparently was like 6 years old and survived somehow in the apocalypse alone a month until his Dad came back from the game. And instead of real kid gamers we get a wild loli succubus slave, which is such obvious pedo bait I face palmed.
Apr 23, 2019
is there a reason why the MC is becoming a Mafia like character by chapter 14?
Sep 5, 2019
“You’re nothing like Baal”
But then he continues to assume that clone is fighting like Baal and not a pussy when
Baal’s clone slashed Lilith
Apr 8, 2020
i rarely say this, but this is kinda shit. his mask is ugly and everything is so cringe-ily tacky. i feel like the author is trying to make everyone badass but is failing miserably. Like even the main character fucking sucks. Also the MCs brother seems like a cock sucker who is just there to make the mc seem cooler. idk. maybe youll like it, maybe you wont, try it out, just know that i actively try and find terribly good isekai/fantasy manga and this was bad enough to make think that its shit.
Oct 1, 2019
Ah, i get it, there's no sense of urgency, the stakes are as low as they can be, that's why I'm not invested in the story.... that's why I found myself more bored the more I read it.
Or maybe is because the mc is unappealing? Everytime he appears with the mask I'm reminded of the cringe, he doesnt look cool

By all means I should like the mc, he's not dumb and has an objective.... but I don't and don't know why.
The brother has taken a lot of screen time and has done nothing. Not even as a sidekick

I don't know I just find this one below average
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2019
This is bad. I mean really bad. Its the korean equivalent to those trashy OP Harem infested Xian xia series, or the Power trip sex fantasies of Japanese isekai series. I mean, there are far better "modern world turns fantasy/dungeon" second chance - series out there, with better writing, characters, action, and plot.

This is like... really trashy. Cliché plot. Suspenseless uninteresting action scenes. Poor world building. Bad pacing. Overall bad writing. All of this can be forgivable if the characters, especially the MC is interesting. He is not. He is soooooooooooooooo boring. So bland. No character because being pompous. And the side characters aren't interesting either.

I don't recommend reading this one unless you are REALLY desperate for another korean modern fantasy dungeon series while waiting for chapters of the good/decent series. This is quite honestly, the worst korean one I have ever read.

tl;dr Its Trash. Skip unless forced to read at gun point.

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