Maybe Meant to Be - Ch. 71

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
so, what did that guy do?

edit: I bet he used something related to the blind date.
Exactly what I was thinking. Dude was probably upset he couldn't have what he wanted to he spread rumors about the date they went on. Makes me wonder what the time frame between that, the dating between her and Kangwoo and that rumor coming out is though.

Wish the next chapter or two was already out, I'm more annoyed than I should be with that cliffhanger lol
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
I know what happened. That douche behind her spread som baseless rumors and everyone of course believed him 100%, even if they know he is an asshole. The typical, stupid bullshit nonsense most authors use :/ Gonna do the same as animegirl 4k2 and wait for more chapters :D
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2023
Unnecessary drama and backstory… Will be good if they bond and get closer after this thing that nobody wants to read about, but, something's here got me curious about the author or Jiah. Last chapter she CLEARLY SAID “Rather… than someone I seriously considered dating, he was more of a… friend?”, which is an utterly bs, as we saw that chapter, because they literally DATED and for some time for what it seemed, and she talked like she is always the one to be trying to get close to Mincheol, what is another bs, as most of the time he's the one taking the lead, even tho he's the complete airhead here or at least depicted like that, when it really matters he's the one to go and do it, while she's always the one to back down.
Unless this turns in a huge development for the main couple, those last 3 chapters were just plain “out of ideas” chapters, and seriously don't seem to be the case. How can EVERY OTHER CHARACTER in this series have more chances of hooking up than the main couple? I seriously couldn't care less about those people, maybe I'm the only one but… I want the main couple to move to the next level! Not some other side characters… the guys are MARRIED, and even the ones that aren't had already gone all the way, but those two can't even kiss normally yet. But that lie from Jiah really bugged me, as they did date, and if you're going to lie, everything else will just start to look like a lie… Now, or the problem lies with the author missing what was written literally one chapter ago (which is a HUGE problem to the story going forward), a translating problem, or simple Jiah being a liar – But maybe she lied, so thing wouldn't get worse! Yeah… Those lies always works, as those characters will surely disappear and not come around the corner to cause a mass drama about lies other people fabricated about her (this Juho mf), and further putting salt in the drama. As, the fact that those two actually dated and were not only “friends” will mostly likely be reveled in the worst possible way to Mincheol.
What I hate the most about dramas are the fact that if someone didn't lie or just talked about what they were feeling, things would be just resolved... The premise of this story was so good, the main couple as well... But lately seems like only Mincheol is trying...

So yeah... Jiah is now lying, and almost 2 chapters of backstory about a love story we clearly don't care and don't want to see. Cool. Can we please get more chapters and stories that really go further on them, and only them? Please? <3
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2023
I’m way more interested in Minchel’s backstory since it actually is related to Jiah. Seems like he always loved her since they were little. It’s why he went to a smoking area to eat his chicken even though he hates the smell of smoke since she was there.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
One guy is alright
One guy is a predator
Backstories are great when they enhance the main story. Hopefully this doesn't last too long.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
This is really going in a direction I don't like. Hope they don't spend the next 6 months on this flashback.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Unnecessary drama and backstory… Will be good if they bond and get closer after this thing that nobody wants to read about, but, something's here got me curious about the author or Jiah. Last chapter she CLEARLY SAID “Rather… than someone I seriously considered dating, he was more of a… friend?”, which is an utterly bs, as we saw that chapter, because they literally DATED and for some time for what it seemed, and she talked like she is always the one to be trying to get close to Mincheol, what is another bs, as most of the time he's the one taking the lead, even tho he's the complete airhead here or at least depicted like that, when it really matters he's the one to go and do it, while she's always the one to back down.
Unless this turns in a huge development for the main couple, those last 3 chapters were just plain “out of ideas” chapters, and seriously don't seem to be the case. How can EVERY OTHER CHARACTER in this series have more chances of hooking up than the main couple? I seriously couldn't care less about those people, maybe I'm the only one but… I want the main couple to move to the next level! Not some other side characters… the guys are MARRIED, and even the ones that aren't had already gone all the way, but those two can't even kiss normally yet. But that lie from Jiah really bugged me, as they did date, and if you're going to lie, everything else will just start to look like a lie… Now, or the problem lies with the author missing what was written literally one chapter ago (which is a HUGE problem to the story going forward), a translating problem, or simple Jiah being a liar – But maybe she lied, so thing wouldn't get worse! Yeah… Those lies always works, as those characters will surely disappear and not come around the corner to cause a mass drama about lies other people fabricated about her (this Juho mf), and further putting salt in the drama. As, the fact that those two actually dated and were not only “friends” will mostly likely be reveled in the worst possible way to Mincheol.
What I hate the most about dramas are the fact that if someone didn't lie or just talked about what they were feeling, things would be just resolved... The premise of this story was so good, the main couple as well... But lately seems like only Mincheol is trying...

So yeah... Jiah is now lying, and almost 2 chapters of backstory about a love story we clearly don't care and don't want to see. Cool. Can we please get more chapters and stories that really go further on them, and only them? Please? <3

She's not lying. She's dating him to keep the creeps away and to see if there's anything there. Shes even tells the guy this.

This isn't going to be about her and this guys "love story" its going to be about why she hates university and become a shut in.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
I'm actually really glad its leaning towards rumors and alienation instead of sexual assault/rape.

Anyone shocked by this turn in drama clearly hasn't been reading the story. They've been hinting at this period for a while in her sub conscious.
for sure. while others are here for the fluff, i am too, i was more interested in knowing why ji-ah’s so secretive with her past

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