Has to be the first time I read a Yuri like this, I've saw a couple or more with blind girls but nothing more, so I'm quite pleased, and it's self published so no risk of getting axed ! Although, it would be great if it gets serialization
My initial impression from the title and the cover image is that this was a story about a girl (the blonde) whose right arm transformed into a full-sized girl that's still connected to the first girl.
@LegionGuy49: Why "gone wrong"? And Midori Days involved an existing person transforming into a hand-sized version of themselves and replacing another person's hand, for the record.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that either story is bad. Just imagine a person transforming into your hand, but they’re full-sized. Sounds harder to maintain than a puppet-sized person who’s your hand.
@LegionGuy49: It would be more or less like having to deal with being conjoined siblings, I think, only real ones have the advantage of having had to grow up from infancy that way.