Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai - Vol. 11 Ch. 78

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
Well I’m glad it’s done. Last arc definitely killed it a bit for me so I’ll choose to remember the other parts instead.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
Damn this manga has always been in my bookmark list but never read it. And looking at the comments here... yeah I think I won't. All these "handing her over to the groomer teacher" comments are giving me Kanokari vibes bruh.
nah tbh Kanokari will ALWAYS be worse than this lol

Koga allows Meguro to study with the groomer because he trusts her that much, which i kinda somewhat understand (if i squint my eyes about it lol), but it is in ABYSMAL taste bc it completely destroys the tone of the entire manga.

Meanwhile Kazuya is a whiny horny loser who treats Chizuru like a glorified object half the time.

Koga has always tried to be mature about his relationship, even if it might not lead him to making the SMARTEST decision, while Kazuya is an immature cuck.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 26, 2018
It's fine, I came out of nowhere!
At least it didn't take me long enough to know not to keep reading this release. Will be waiting for Shigure Scans.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
The ending felt both sudden and natural at the same time. Hard to explain, but I think you guys will get what I mean. It was done well enough but it happened very suddenly.
All-in-all, I enjoyed this manga. It was something that made me smile, and that in itself has value.
could be a combination of factors: switch up in tone in the final volume, many months in between this chapter translated since the last one, implied time skip since Meguro and Koga last saw each other. im sure that if one were to read the entire volume in one sitting, the ending would feel more in place.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
At least show us that they've done the deed smh

Well don't actually show us but an implication is enough
Double-page supporter
Aug 6, 2024
I started losing interest in this manga when Meguro decided to meddle in her friend’s relationship with the guy she dumped. That girl clearly didn’t want it but seemed like it was forced onto her and she decided to stick with it. Didn’t think it would get worse then the sensei came back and almost went the NTR route. I mean how could her boyfriend even allow her to go back to him for tutoring? Then she thanked him. The final arc was handled very poorly. Seriously was the author of this manga threatened with a gun to his their head to mess this up?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2023
I'm glad I just skipped everything but the last chapter of this volume. From reading what everyone else had to read, I can only imagine the author is too much of a hypocrite, lacks courage to properly bash emotional and sexual assault on a minor even if there's even some way to try and excuse it (which of course it doesn't regardless, just look at how fucked up it left Meguro emotionally), or just thought that actually confronting the situation wouldn't be proper for the ending...for dome reason.

If Meguro at least badmouthed him in some way, or showed anger at how thoughtlessly he treated her, I'd be glad...but not even thaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAT SOUNDS FRUSTRASTING AS ALL HELL.

I enjoyed how it treated the subject better in the previous chapters, sad to see they couldn't bring a more appropriate conclusion to it. If anything, this last chapter was at least cute enough as a consolation.
It so much worse than just Meguro not having any negative emotions over her groomer. She fucking thanks him for ruining her views on relationships and sex and says she is glad about what he taught her as her first partner.
It was the nail in the coffin for me on this series.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
And so ends "my girlfriend fucked most of her ex's except for me." This story starts off pretty good; who doesn't like a Pretty Woman, type. But it all came tumbling down when you figure out what the author has to say about "love." Now love can come in many different ways just like this story tries to portray; but to portray practically all of them as positive is... a choice... considering how a couple of people clearly suffered from their previous or current relationships. But the one thing that most people tend to forget when writing about "love" is self respect. Not a lot of that going around in this story. Not a lot of self awareness either and it just makes everything before hand seem like dumb luck. Never seen a better case for cancellations than this manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
What did people read here?

No, Sensei did not go to jail for grooming Meguro.

Yes, Meguro absolutely called out Sensei for viewing her as his student, not a lover, and someone who he could push his beliefs onto - essentially stating clearly, that I know you did not love me, or view me as a relationship partner, just someone who you could lead along, which is what he deserved - but she also thanked him, because, like other characters stated, as a boyfriend, he's a terrible person, awful. As a teacher, he is extremely talented and helped Meguro when she was younger, and, additionally when she was older.

Meguro thanking Sensei is out of appreciation for his role as a teacher... that's why he's never given a name, he's only referred to as a Sensei.

The final arc was about Meguro putting herself first and acting for herself, which, as she noticed later in the manga, she had never done before.

At the beginning of the manga, Meguro didn't have likes, interests or objectives for herself, and only acted to make her partner happy.

At the end of the manga, Meguro broke up with Koga, to focus on herself, and ensure she could fulfill her objective of getting into college, instead, of focusing on love.

There's nothing wrong with disliking the manga, but to completely ignore the story's structure, and criticize it, just because, is unfair to the artist.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Man, this manga had so much potential... I bash on it so much, but it's because the beginning was actually pretty good

Well, hopefully author-san's new work is able to learn from all the good parts of this series
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2019
What did people read here?

No, Sensei did not go to jail for grooming Meguro.

Yes, Meguro absolutely called out Sensei for viewing her as his student, not a lover, and someone who he could push his beliefs onto - essentially stating clearly, that I know you did not love me, or view me as a relationship partner, just someone who you could lead along, which is what he deserved - but she also thanked him, because, like other characters stated, as a boyfriend, he's a terrible person, awful. As a teacher, he is extremely talented and helped Meguro when she was younger, and, additionally when she was older.

Meguro thanking Sensei is out of appreciation for his role as a teacher... that's why he's never given a name, he's only referred to as a Sensei.

The final arc was about Meguro putting herself first and acting for herself, which, as she noticed later in the manga, she had never done before.

At the beginning of the manga, Meguro didn't have likes, interests or objectives for herself, and only acted to make her partner happy.

At the end of the manga, Meguro broke up with Koga, to focus on herself, and ensure she could fulfill her objective of getting into college, instead, of focusing on love.

There's nothing wrong with disliking the manga, but to completely ignore the story's structure, and criticize it, just because, is unfair to the artist.
There are hundreds of ways of reaching the same conclusion and progressing Meguro's character without being as retarded as this author was. I don't even think the guy was criminal because both were minors at the time, but hand-waving what he did by splitting his shitty views and his competency as a teacher, treating that as if they're different people makes no sense.

And to top it all, almost zero catharsis from the end. Fuck this shit.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2023
I am still mad it got such a weird last stretch run, when the last vhapter gone back to the cute. 7 is an appropriate score
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I mean, they sure tried to bait with an even worse ending, definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. But it's likely because they didn't know how else to end it, and didn't want a "boring" happy ending or something so they cooked too hard until it was burnt. Not the worst, but definitely lost a lot of it's charm by ending the way it did.

Why is it that only .0001% of manga actually have an ending, and of those that do only .001% are actually decent? Worst thing about the medium.

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