Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai

Mar 21, 2019
I see, well... If it goes like that it might bother me :D I was once traumatized by ntr so bad i can't even have mild contact with it xd
Tho, if the author wanted to torment us a bit, then the meguro love rival would have been stronger. I just feel that the story has been too mild and if the author really decides to bring in a rival to MC in a considerable way then it would not fit the style so far. But then again, it might be a chance to have rapid character development for mc (suddenly grows bigger balls). This all is very loose cannon speculation on my part.
Nov 28, 2019
"i'm not a virgin".... who the fuck say that when someone is confessing to you! really. it is fine if she is not virgin but the thing is she said it when nobody ask! i don't want to know that someone else took your virginity or how many people you fuck with when i am confessing to you. chapter 1 and this make me uninterested with the rest of their story. i'm pretty sure the story goes "oh she is so broken and he is kind and understanding, they make a perfect couple blabla" bullshit. shit like this is why i like seinen better
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
IMHO that's the whole point of this manga
pretend to be fluff, lure in the fluff crowd, watch it polarize and fight among themselves
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@Angelonius (Sorry for the late reply. You typo'd my name so I never got the notice). Having suspicions is all well and good, but they don't constitute as fact. It's on the same level as opinion. I'm not saying she couldn't use a therapy session or check if she's clean, but if you read her reasoning, even in the latest chapter, further the point I made earlier from an earlier chapter.

Also, please don't lump me with these other groups. I don't "side" with anyone nor do I "group" with anyone. That's sheep-mentality, for one. For two, I make my own judgement and conclusions and don't believe in using insults like the others do. Not to say I don't use them at all (I'm human, it happens, same as you), but I don't think it should be an argument point like how they use. It's just ridiculous and says more about them than it does about the manga.

I still stand by what I said about this being a ball of fluff manga. You consider it cliche (the curse of someone who reads a hell of a lot, which is not a bad thing) and that's fine too. But just FYI, man, cliche is gonna be in 99% of all manga and books you read from now on as long ass you keep comparing it to other works. Easier said than done, I know, but it's better to try to read things from a fresh perspective. It makes it more enjoyable. Again, not easy, I know. Took me a good long while to learn how to do it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2019
@TwilightFaze My bad. There are so many white knights here that I could not tell if you're one of them or not. Would it kill them to stop insulting those of us who are critical of this manga?

And yes, I've read a lot. I've also watched a lot of soap operas. Hence, I can see the cliches very early on. I just want something different and I want this manga to be written better.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@Angelonius: All good, man. You're frustrated and I just appreciate you not being like most and continuing to insult me. Says good things about your character. :)

So yeah because you're beyond veteran status (What's past veteran? Guru, I guess?) when it comes to reading and dramas, trying to "un-cliche" what you enjoy is gonna be extremely difficult. What worked for me (no idea if it will for you, just offering advice) was that when I start comparing it to other literary works, I instead compare it to real-life situations. Not just from me, but from stories I hear from family and friends too. It took me forever since I'm an addicted gamer (and not sorry for it!) so I feel for you when you say you watch soaps and read manga. It's really hard when you have soooooooooo much to compare to @_@
Dec 31, 2019
Dec 28, 2018
Completely being serious here, but those 'discussion and disagreements' about sensei mostly boil down to complaining about how he could dare have sex with Meguro, he should go die or get beaten to a pulp or humiliated etc, he's a rapist and should be thrown in jail etc. I'd say its even worse than the normal incel stuff you'd see on that shaved manga.
Jan 19, 2018
the story hurts in the Kokoro. feels like sensei was being an ass, he tried to teach her something but using ambiguity words, she took it as something else and become a slut. where there is an easy way to teach her about it.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
this isn't at all what i expected i thought he would get mad or some drama would happen but it didn't this is nice


May 5, 2018
A slut and a beta soycuck simp of a MC.

What could go wrong? Brilliant idea. And it's a shounen manga, wow! Already brainwashing kids into thinking that there's nothing wrong with sluts and if you don't know that she was a slut and you ended up confessing to her, you can't back down from that decision because that's SEXIST!

Fuck off please. Is the author a female or a male? well it doesn't matter, he or she is a soycuck eitherway.

Oh and I must say those male who copulated with her are whores as well. Whores are literally a virus to destroy the well-being to our society and diminish the nuclear family.

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