Mejaz - Regulus in the World - Ch. 4.1 - Night Attack

Aug 1, 2018
what the heck, how was she going to know, she only saw a sword to defend herself, she can't know everything about the Mo family -.-'

I'm guessing he's being all tsun tsun but still

anyways, thanks for the translation! can't wait to see what happens next now that the demons are gone
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
So was she also mistreated in her main family as well seems both main characters are black sheeps of their respective families.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls The correct answer is that he's stupid. Because he is based on the earlier chapters. He's accusing her of not knowing something she couldn't have known. That's exactly something stupid people often like to do. That degenerate Mo family desperately needs Xuanyuan Yu's genes. She seems to possess more wits than the Mo family members combined.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls Have people ever told you that you take things too seriously?

But fine, let's look at your points:
Either she's supposed to have known given that she had a high profile marriage into the Mo family or the fact that she spent a decent amount of time inside the ancestral temple

It's unreasonable to expect she would beforehand know about a sword in the Mo family's possession. It's no Excalibur, obviously. Their families are distant enough that Mo Yan didn't even know what she looks like, at all. Furthermore, you'd actually think it would be the Mo family who would educate her about such a thing, like tell her not to touch the dangerous sword when she visits the ancestral temple since she's the one who didn't grow up in the house and is thus ignorant. She did spend a long time in the temple, but she has high upbringing and isn't thus likely to snoop around and touch everything lying around, like a child or a thief.

he's saying she should've realized it sooner, when she first tried to grab the sword, and if she had let go immediately, she would've sustained no injuries or only light ones compared to what she actually has.

Yeah, because you definitely throw away your only weapon when a demon is standing before you, trying to kill you.

The dude should have realised all of this. However, he hasn't really shown splendid intelligence in the earlier chapters, like I said already.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Who the hell says it's not Excalibur? You? Maybe it actually is very well-known or supposed to be well-known. There's no evidence either way.

She didn't recognise it, didn't even suspect it's something fancy, so it's not. That in itself is the evidence. If the Mo family had an Excalibur equivalent, she would have known there's such a thing. When the sword rejected her, she would have finally recognised it's that very weapon, most likely. But no such thing happened. So, no, it's not me, it's this manhua. Argue against it if you want.

That just proves my point. Maybe the male MC expected her to have been taught by someone. Anyone. She is a member of the household now. He had no idea his stepmother was being hostile to her. This supports my point.

It's his fricking fresh wife we are talking about. He just might want to make sure it's happening by himself. It's only so nonchalant you should be about your one and only wife. If the husband doesn't give a shit, why on Earth would anyone else? If he wants someone else to educate her, then see to it that it's happening. This most definitely doesn't support your point, it supports my point of suspecting the dude isn't the sharpest sword in the armoury.

And finally, a weapon that you cannot use is useless.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have scarred hands than lose my life. If nothing else, she could have blocked the demon's weapon with the "useless" sword. In that job not being able to draw it from the scabbard wouldn't matter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls Concerning the fame of the weapon, if it was widely known the Mo family has a super weapon (like Excalibur, the most famous sword in the world), then it would be somewhat reasonable Mo Yan would be angry Xuanyuan Yu just went forward and tried to use, or even touch, such a treasure, even if nobody had specifically introduced it to her. As it is, she simply had no idea. Even the witch aunt didn't bother to mention there's a hands-off weapon lying on the altar in the temple where she locked Xuanyuan Yu in.

Well, to be reasonable, the dude was only angry at Xuanyuan Yu because he didn't like how she got hurt. But being tsundere, he expressed it by being angry at her.

They are all adults and highborn to boot. Xuanyuan Yu married into the family for political reasons. In my opinion it would be prudent to educate her quite a lot about the matters and customs of the family. In a sense the witch aunt seemingly tried to do it, but we all know she's a baba yaga who only wanted to make Xuanyuan Yu's life miserable any way she could, so she wouldn't have provided her with any kind of useful information. I again say it was Mo Yan failing his responsibility to make sure his wife could work as a lady of the house by allowing her to know everything she should know. Mo Yan apparently couldn't imagine the ogress might have any malicious intentions, so he was willing to leave it up to her.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
Shouting at her for not knowing something no one told her about? Seriously? I like that she's still very calm. I really want him to work hard for her.

Already read @ Kaarme's responses with the quoted stuff.
My penny- Still can't excuse how he handled himself. If he expected her to be calm enough to reason that she shouldn't have held that sword during a do or die situation then I expect him to be just as calm enough to tell her what the sword is.

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