MEMORIZE - Vol. 1 Ch. 50

Nov 8, 2018
@Tearsax think you've bad memory cause maybe you don't remember she surely distanced herself from mc cause she don't trust him, but she distanced herself from the other 3 guys for all the training cause totally looked down on them (or totally don't care of them), and its "something the MC said himself" to her, re-read the chapter if you don't remember it.
I totally don't think her choice is reletable, she certainly wanted to know more about mc and his choices and abilities before being able to trust him instead of blindly follow him, but to trust a group she don't really know nothing about just because it's a big and famous group in the world, rather than trust of someone who saved your life over and over without saying her the reasons, definitely doesn't make sense to me, she just wanted a safe place to be and grow in that new world over her friends. She thought to be different (or better) from the others 3, except she don't know the lucky girl was the real special one in the party, not her (only mc know it).
Besides, do you really think that the top ppl of the lion group will explain everything to her every time they have to choose to do something or make some decision?
She was full of herself and deserves this.
@brandanle99 Indeed, that's the real logical choice to make.
Aug 19, 2020
Alright, I get what most of the comments are saying. But this is her choice, she chose to go with the golden lion guild. So I don't want to see this damm women getting back into the MC's party. If she left the party, she should just stay away. It'd just make her look like a hoe just because the MC's in a better situation than she is.
Active member
Feb 16, 2020
Honestly, I either want her to die or sacrifice herself for the group for redemption. It really frustrated me when she just left the group, although I do understand her reasons since she can use the guild as a stepping stone to get stronger faster and go back to help out mc via sacrificing herself. I’ll be fine with her returning too... and then sacrificing herself. Really, this story just feels so dark that I just want someone to die.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
The bitch's sad and regretfull?

You had the helping hand extended and you slapped it away, you got what you deserved and i hope the mc doesn't even bother to help her in any way.
Group Leader
May 14, 2019
well, you the one who leave the group and talk shit when they wont be joining gold lion or some shit. You deserved it gurl. just die quietly
Double-page supporter
Apr 27, 2019

He wasn't really being an asshole... just because he wants to keep his secrets and she wants to know, doesn't mean that there was foul play being had. And she probably has secrets of her own with how suspicious and distant she acts but unlike her the MC didn't even try to pry too much.
I can understand her wanting to join a group that can support her needs for growth though, but she could have at least made it clear with him first.

This is why I usually don't like characters with an extreme mix of Kuudere and Tsundere personalities; MC is a Kuudere that's actually just kuu (cool/cold/calculating) while trying to be dere (caring), while the girl is a regret filled Kuutsundere (cold/cynical/calculating/harsh).
The people around characters like her would just think they're always showing contempt while having an emotionless expression. It's like what the two random women talking behind her back said, and she can't even deny those things because that's how she carries herself. It's a good characterization but I just don't like it... it can create drama which can either be good or bad for stories, but I just don't like too much drama (Korean media is filled with them though).
Double-page supporter
Aug 28, 2019
@Supremegod17 and so what that he is? He saved their lives and have given them the choice, but she instead of leaving peacefuly, decided to complain about his attitude in addition, which can be called "being ungrateful bitch".


Aug 13, 2019
i dont understand the hate around gem girl , like for real all she did was decide to not follow mc because she had a good class and that a big clan decided to recruit her , she couldnt be aware of how op mc is so she decided to get something far more reliable because the clan is well known and recommended by the guild , even the mc is aware that the best plan for a newbie is to join a big clan
Sep 16, 2020
@3am for real though. Thinking about this realistically, there's probably a good chance this would've happened. Of course she can't know how powerful the MC is, all she knows is he's hiding things from her and the others. She was hiding her class from him too, but (while being a little juvenile) I imagine she figured it was not anything she needed to tell him if he refuses to tell them anything either.

Again I feel like there some fault on both sides, and it's really easy to get overly biased, since we read from mostly the perspective of MC, rather than that gemgirl (I mean, the comments about this chick are brutal and childish, it's nuts). People need to just imagine things from the perspective of each character, which most people suck at if its not the main perspective.

(Heck, even I need improvement on that)
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
Again I feel like there some fault on both sides, and it's really easy to get overly biased, since we read from mostly the perspective of MC, rather than that gemgirl (I mean, the comments about this chick are brutal and childish, it's nuts). People need to just imagine things from the perspective of each character, which most people suck at if its not the main perspective.
Thats a really reasonable why of thinking. Thanks, i was starting to lose faith in the comment section. Its good to see people here that dont think like a 12 years old edgy teen.

@3am This is fun. Whenever in a series the MC decides to not join a group, people is pleased at how cool the MC is for going solo and not depending on others. But when its someone else that rejects to join the MC's group... Oh man, the hate is real.
Since when did people become such suckers for the MCs?

@Whatever1337 Trap? "devils bargin"? Did you even read the chapter? LOL
There is no trap, just jealous people talking behind her back. I think its pretty obvious.

@nepheele0 She distanced herself from them before that clan sweetalked her about how special she was because she was suspicious of him.
Whatever happened AFTER she distanced from them for that reason is another story that wouldnt have happened if he didnt behave like he did.

@eng1 "Probaly"? Oh, so now we are playing with probabilities? "Hey, he was lying, hiding and keeping things from them, but she PROBABLY also did the same, so thats it."
Yeah, sounds totally right...

@mcfriies Why its her fault? o_O

@bvdaf So anyone that isnt okay with following someone else blindly but instead wanna know the whys, whats, whos, wheres, whens and hows is an "ungrateful bitch"?
Whoa, just whoa...
Active member
Jan 25, 2018
Insidio and Tearsacs are on point. Gemgirl doesn’t know that the clans break down in a future war, our MC was being aloof like she was and not showing that he personally cares for his friends besides as tools, and she had little reason to suspect that the clan would be any different.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Regretting her decision to part ways is in a way kinda lame considering the attitude she had when making her choice, so yes she looks lame now but seeing how thing are the possibility for her to rejoin the party seems high.
Also it seems she was being used by the golden lion clan, hoping to growth in her instead of being a stuck character
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@itisidio @warriorg The thing is that people have a really hard time getting in someone else's shoes aside from the MC. Lets for a moment think that the MC is that girl.

She gets suddenly transported together with a group of unknown people to an unknown place with game-like options. She knows shit about whats going on but suddenly she is told to do some mission while fighting FREAKING MONSTERS. But hey, amongst the group of unknown people there is this man that knows how to fight, knows where to go, its not surprised at all about monsters showing up, knows this and that and everytime she tries to ask him something he gives her a vague answer as if avoiding the question.

Its sooooo easy to figure that if she was the MC of the story, people in the comment section would have been all about "hey gurl, that dude is sus af, dont be stupid and get outta there LOL", that its really hard to read how they behave like this just because she isnt. Dunno if they even know how biased they are being, but its sad.
Double-page supporter
Dec 24, 2018
So much for the logical decision, right ? I guess she forgot to put on her calculations that she could just be used by the clan or become a pariah there.
If it depended on me she wouldn't ever show up again, her dead pan face annoys me.

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