Meraki Scans

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Jan 18, 2018
@zenyo Considering Japan since long time ago build an official international release and Chinese in this recent year as well.
Meanwhile koreans?? Still Stingy as ever.... Who want to read a moonrunes??

Edit : Thing soon enough meraki has PTSD for releasing Korean webtoon. So next project probably either by Japanese Manga or Chinese Manhua
Apr 25, 2018
Sorry to hear about what happened, hope you guys can pick up some new interesting series because of this and that the dropped scans can find a good home.
Feb 12, 2018

damn sad to hear what happened, hopefully we will hear happier things again soon
Jan 14, 2019
Rip, It was bound to happen sooner or later, unlike Web Novels, you don't get any sort of protection when it comes to translating.
Feb 6, 2018
These people were and are doing amazing, it's such a shame to hear that they had to drop series they've put an insane amount of work into scanlating.
Jan 28, 2018
Get your shit together. Fighting a solo translator over a series, then going the public way of try to instigate something against them isn't what a group like yours should be focusing on.
You have a reputation to uphold. You have a responsibility towards your readers to show that you can be better. If you think you don't, then get out of the scanlation scene. The way a lot of us see it is, you guys have lost your way. You've forgotten what it's like to actually try to do the work with limited staff, with limited resources, and almost no exposure nor any desire for exposure of any kind.
You guys lost your previous big releases for a reason, you guys had to drop a lot of stuff for a reason. Just focus on getting your shit together, and seriously... Going after the smaller guys, you guys are better than that and we expect you to be better than that.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@xobmoob Have you taken a minute to inform yourself before making that comment, or did you just decide this is a good day to make a fool out of yourself? Let's break down that wall of misinformation. I'm giving you a moment of the day just because I like drama.

First, let's clear this up. We are not saints, we are not charity nor a company. We are not creating this stuff that you read, we are translating and editing it into English language. Whether you like us or not, is utterly irrelevant, the only thing that should speak for our reputation is our work ethic (Quality & Quantity of the releases). As far as our personality goes, you should consider us as nothing but pirates, and as such, lower your standards to a reasonable level.

Now, let's address your comment which had about 0 facts in it.

TimelessLeaf as a group -
That's 11 members, as of when the post was made. Meraki has only 2 editors and currently about 6 active translators. If anything, they have more staff than us. Resources? Are we to be blamed in case they have fewer resources or are they? That said, don't speak of the things you know nothing of. As for the exposure, their practices speak for themselves. Splitting 8 pages chapter into 2 chapters of 4 pages is done exactly for that, exposure and more resources.

Where was I or anybody from staff instigating something against them, other than stating facts when asked? Like here:

Now lastly, the moment we start charging money for our services is the moment we will owe you an explanation for our actions, or will actually have a responsibility towards the customers. But, as things stand, we are illegally pirating content, which you are illegally reading. Therefore, we have about as much responsibility towards you as you have facts in your comment, which is, in case I wasn't clear: 0.
Jan 28, 2018
As I've said, get out of the scanlation scene. I didn't want to identify myself further, but as a past supporter of your group, I can honestly say your response and behavior just breeds toxicity. I'm putting my mouth where my money is.
I am ashamed to have even supported such a group with individuals like yourself. Obviously though, other members might come forth in the future stating you're just one of many in their group as a form of defense, but I'll just take your response as being their representative towards the community. You cherry picking certain posts and snippets is also certainly not a very good defense in this case. Also when did I say it was about, "Timeless Leaf as a group"? Since we're now on that subject, you've just contradicted yourself. "Now lastly, the moment we start charging money for our services is the moment we will owe you an explanation for our actions, or will actually have a responsibility towards the customers." IE: Everyone here is fully aware of the fact that accepting donations is essentially, "charging money for *our services", as you've said.

And on your whatever it was about "TimelessLeaf as a group", here is a snippet of their response, which I find contradicts your claim that they are "11 members".

At least get your facts straight. You owe it to your community.

P.S. Like you've said, we are together in this game of piracy. But it is still piracy.

Feb 25, 2019
Man this @xobmoob guy is pretty retarded eh? Acting like there's some nobility or responsibility or whatever else for a scanlator group. It's just stealing. Readers don't deserve anything. They've done nothing to be deserving of something. Scanlators for damn certain don't owe anything to readers.


Sep 21, 2018
I found Master of Gu through Meraki so i am thankful 😀. And to be honest the translation quality is just better. But everyone can read the version they want so no harm done. Thanks a lot
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@xobmoob You are speaking of Leaf as an "solo scanlator", and again, I linked you a post, from his/her own website, claiming they have more members. Your argument was "big ol' meraki is bullying solo scanlator" I've shown you otherwise. If it's a contradiction, it's a contradiction from their own website, which is where both links are from and one of them is made today (the one which you linked). I get that you're on a crusade, but don't be a blind crusader, nobody likes those.

Donations are optional and they're not a business transaction, the group you are defending said so too. That doesn't make you a customer. You're not buying a product, you're funding people who pirate content to translate and edit more stuff that you enjoy reading. In other words, you are not donating to Meraki because you're supporting Meraki. You're donating to Meraki because you want to read the series which you know Meraki will deliver fast and in decent quality. You don't have to do it, nobody is forcing you to, however, if you do in fact do it, you'll benefit from it. Lastly, in regards to this subject, even if you are a donator, who donates $1000 a month, you are still really not entitled to demand anything from us, unless a deal was made beforehand in which case it is a transaction.

That said, I really don't get what you're trying to do here. Your argument under all that entitlement is "Steal in a righteous way". That's how dumb it is and that's how dumb it sounds to anybody reasonable. Not to mention that you are so misinformed that you're literally defending a group that sniped multiple other groups in the past and you're attacking us for doing literally the same to leaf. We didn't continue from the chapter leaf stopped on, we instead redid everything. Unlike what they did when sniping other groups.

That said since I'm cherry picking, can you go and do the same? Find me a "snippet" where we said something which is not true about leaf.

You've approached us on a website that's not related to us whatsoever. Secondary to this, you claim to be a supporter, before I even take your argument of being a "customer" seriously, please show proof that you supported us at any point.

For any further entitled reader that reads this. If you think Meraki, or ANY other scanlation group owes you anything. Please, please re-evaluate your life.

Another thing, which is something I want to clear up for anybody who reads this in the future. We encourage sniping in some cases. If a person thinks he can do the job better, if the other scanlator is not doing it in a timely fashion, if they're not doing that great of a job. If you can find any justifiable reason and you're in the power to change it, then do it. That's why you became a scanlator in the first place. To enjoy yourself first of all, and then to benefit others with the skills that you have. Don't do it to provoke others, do it because you think you can do better or because you think the project deserves better.

We've gotten sniped plenty in the past, only time I reasonably got mad is when we got sniped on Returners while doing 2-3 a day. Senryu Girl recently got likewise sniped. We were so happy that somebody stepped up and took it off our plate, and they are doing it on a better pace than we could at the time. Ironically, the ones who understand the least are the ones who are escalating these situations (readers).
Jan 28, 2018
@DiabolicalHaterAnonx You apparently are refusing to even see what I have presented to you. You keep saying I claim this "Leaf as a* <-(fixed your typo) "solo scanlator"". The post you are referencing to is so old, it just shows us how much effort you're willing to put forth when you won't even peruse a site to look for current up to date information. You want me to find you a snippet yet you don't even read the first one to the letter when I present it in front of you. You're basically just copy pasting the first thing you see on their site, which is apparent in the effort your group has put forth recently, i.e. why you lost some of your biggest releases to date. You ask for Donation records, so here may be one: I've only included a snippet to avoid showing more information than necessary. And never was I in any way one of your customers. What did you provide me that I could not find for myself already? Did I specifically in any way purchase / receive anything in any way from your group? The answer is no. I'm also not one of your so called "Patreon Supporters you milk releases from either. And you don't seem to understand the difference between supporter and customer. Better get out a dictionary and thesaurus.

*MangaDex is used by both groups and is where most of the readers congregate, which is why I've chosen it.*

You've totally missed my point again. I am not stating any argument on the basis of entitlement that says "Steal in a righteous way". My argument basically is don't get too big of a head. You guys are nothing without the readers and your so called communities. And personally from me, I don't want to see you guys go the way of Trash Scanlations. One day you're there, the next you're gone. No disrespect to them, they were the ones who got me into reading Manhuas. One last thing. Do you know how many results come up when searching through the MangaDex Discord for "Meraki + Leaf + fighting + Gu"? It's a topic that you guys are refusing to see, an issue that you guys think is just done and over with since you're "redoing the series from the ground up".

@FlynnRider Better a retard than some complacent fool who takes it up their ass and thanks whoever did that to them. Here's an analogy for you. You're just like the players who eat up all the bullcrap that is fed to them from companies like EA and Activision Blizzard, then go on to say it's normal and to be expected from their franchises when it's totally a screw over move like Loot Boxes and gated DLCs.

*I've said my piece, I'm done here.*
Feb 25, 2019
@xobmoob you're not genuinely comparing a scanlation group to an AAA gaming company, are you? Jesus fuck I'm in actual pain for you from how much I pity you. Life must be shitty feeling that entitled from groups who owe you exactly nothing. You realize it's a completely different scenario when you're buying a product from a company, right? Please say you do. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight if you're that fucking retarded.

I'll pray for you :')
Jan 28, 2018
What the F are you smoking? That comment was on you, why're you trying to draw a reference where there isn't one?

Thanks for your free prayers, I'll take it.
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