Was the virgin Mary really written in Chinese or was that the translator's input?
Because it felt a little out of place between the Chinese myths, and christianity hasn't been mentioned at all in the story either.
I'll be honest, I'm not 100%sure if it's actually Virgin Mary. This chapter's dialogue is kind of off if you know what I mean. But the way that sentence also mentions the "devil" in its Western format and not the usual Asian demon thingy, I think it's correct.
@mageexia I don't unfortunately. I got it a while back from a forum I used to frequent. Might have been years ago. https://imgur.com/gallery/oTy8Dwa I uploaded it imgur for you though if you're interested in using it.
EDIT: I found the person that created it. Their deviantart was in the pic. https://www.deviantart.com/mar-93/art/Riven-325052392
I understand the author is from China. But why everyone in 22nd century look like and act like he is from chinese folklore stories? You can't just mix wuxia and mech space fantasy. Cultivation and alien nanoblood suits work preaty bad together.
@Akachi China is a really powerful country, whose to say that they haven’t won the space race and is now the dominant force in Earth controlled galaxies?
There are several reasons China cannot win any races and never does. First, they only copy what plans are given to them by outsiders so they’re always behind. Second, they are terrible at inventing, only good at learning.
The alliance in this story was already said to be only one alliance. And it doesn’t seem to have hardly any internal stability in each fleet and the fleets themselves had leadership actively trying to murder each other in chapter one.