Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai - Vol. 2 Ch. 6.1

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 9, 2018
@Halo the flag of having her ship destroyed so she has to join the crew of MC (i don't really know but we all know, you know?)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2018
@Kazouie hahaha yes the flag where her ship will turn rampage and uncontrollable then the MC come to save the day...
Aug 16, 2018
The ship's 'rampage state' is basically that if you push it too hard, or it gets damaged in certain ways (usually involving enemy heat or laser weapons), it is affected by a weird defect that causes it to accelerate forward uncontrollably and everything becomes unresponsive. At least that was how it was in the light novel.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@MangaKitty So sort of like the Ford Pinto being famous for exploding when someone lightly taps it's rear bumper. Weird defect to add to a ship in a game though. Especially a ship with apparently fack all going for it but top speed, you'd think the ship would rapidly become dirt cheap or a collector's piece in universe. Otherwise I'd think people would modify it to work around maneuverability issues. Bolt on some reliable rcs or thrust vectoring systems that you can still work if your engines go fcky-wucky.
Aug 16, 2018
Yeah, like that. In the 'game' he was in before he got isekai'ed, the ship's problem was originally a bug that turned into a meme, that the game's developers decided to leave in due to the meme status and come up with an in-game explanation of sorts for. The ship was already unpopular anyway, because while it's acceleration and turning were great, it was actually a bit too responsive with turns and was hard to control, and was ridiculously expensive in both original price and maintenance costs for the performance, along with few pilots being able to take proper advantage of it due to it's screwy over-responsive piloting issues and incompatibility with most mods due to being designed heavily around unique custom parts. The MC considers the elf foolish for not knowing about it's issues ahead of time and teases her some for it. It probably was a rarely used collector's piece type ship that the elf somehow got her hands on and didn't research properly.

In game, it's 'berserk' status was a bug that was kept similar to how Skyrim kept the giant attack that sends your character into the stratosphere due to a physics bug, because of the memes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
For a second I though page 6 was cutting to her ship exploding, and laughed maniacally.
Active member
Dec 20, 2020
The ship designs are pretty good, even the ones shaped like a Tetris block. 👍

This being fictional and all, there's a certain amount of disbelief we must suspend. Like how the pirates are too dumb to install passive detectors around them, especially on that asteroid our MC was hiding behind. Not to mention the fact that science dictate those two asteroids can't be that near to each other without forming some sort of orbit around each other. And what about the other mercenaries? Do they have their own rocks to hide behind too? (Average distance between our Solar System's asteroids is ~2 million miles)

Anyways. Time to go enjoy next chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
So Elma flies the equivalent of the MiG-25 (NATO designation: Foxbat) into a large scale dogfight mission... is that why she's still silver ranked? Because she so poorly chooses her jobs?

It can't just be because of her skills... if anything, she's not dead so her skills have to be amazing.
Sep 24, 2018
Re reading this and just wanted to say: blonde hair green eyed shorstack.

That is all.

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