Most of what I like is the the taste it adds not so much the alcohol, the rum is what... between 33 and 50% what I add to it to flavor is turns it into a 1-2%, in other words about 20-30 drinks in an hour to go over a legal limit much less what it would take to get actually drunk.
that said, had a 50ml jack in coke, that's not bad, but jack on its own tastes like what you think paint thinner would taste like so I dont keep a bottle of that around.
besides that, fireball is pretty good, there is an energy drink called cocaine, it has a weird spiciness to it that I love, but i cant really get that flavor from anything, fireball is at least the closest facsimile to that as something I will drink straight from the bottle, but when I say drink maybe 1/5th a shot possibly little more little less, nothing that would get me drunk.
@justforthelulz well, I wondered what the cheapest beer would be, so I looked that up, and because of various needs, I know of everclear and that would be the cheapest way to get drunk but its more or less pure alcohol.
Have to go shopping with family for wine from dirt cheap stores every now and then, so I know prices there, and looked up what boxed wine is, you can also go cooking wine, but that's just miserable not sure how it compares to boxed, only had 1 relative who was a wino and never saw her so I cant try it, but its even cheaper then cooking wine...
If you just want to get wasted, the best way to do it would be everclear straight, wine would taste better but cost more, and if you like beer some decent beer may may cost a bit more then wine a can...