almost felt like the end of the series lmao, also i dont remember but they havent kissed yet right lol this series is hella slow which is kind of a good thing but not
ahhh what a nice chapter <3 honestly for a second i kinda forgot takamine played guitar lmao so that really surprised me, she looked amazing on stage tho
i agree with yall the background art for this is always so pretty ^_^
Thank you so much for the chapter, this is one of my favorite series.
the characters and story are just so lovable, thanks again for the awesome job.
can't wait to read the next chapter ^^
Yeah I’m sorry, I’m dropping this
I absolutely love the art but for me personally the story got boring.. it well; I’m not excited for a new chapter as I am with other followed manga
Anyway I’m rooting for you MC, be happy with cool tol gf