Mieruko-chan - Vol. 2 Ch. 14.5 - Bonus

Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2018
God, this is making me feel uncomfortable, but it's still god chapter. Thank you.
The One
Jan 18, 2018

This is why potato chips always empty so fast.

Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
If she is indeed like Courage the Cowardly Dog, then she'll probably meet a few benign entities, solve their problems, then end on a relatively happy note
(facing her fears and finding self-acceptance). The only caveat is that we haven't seen her Katz yet...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
The fact that ghosts and spirits show up in pictures and on TV proves that they ARE visible in the world of this manga, and the fact that their voices can be recorded also proves that they're audible. They physically register on the visible spectrum of light and the audible frequency of sound. We can also see how in Julia's case weaker spirits are visible to her until they're devoured by a greater spirit. So it's not a case of Miko having special vision but a case of something obscuring people's senses when the supernatural happens. This manga works on a torn veil principle where under normal circumstances a veil hides what is actually there for everyone to see or hear, but in some cases the veil is damaged in some way. Maybe there is a worn, translucent bit people can see shadows through like in godmother's case, or a light tear allowing a glimpse of smaller things like in Julia's case, or in Miko's case, a completely torn veil that lets everything through.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
There are either a lot of people with a lot of skeletons in their closets in this setting, or spirits latch on to anyone they can find that's similar to who they have a grudge against and give our girl here the absolute worst impression of them.
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
Oh, wow, only now did I notice that the big ghost face isn't in the footage itself but belongs to a ghost standing behind the screen in the auditorium.

Silly me.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
@stray_dog_ I'm personally hoping that she becomes a miko(shrine maiden), but wouldn't it be funny if once she becomes one "officially"(as per acceptance of a kami like the Inari one, or any other) that she ends up "blessed" to be able to see even more, to her utter dismay.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
on the brother 's shirt : tora = tiger .

in the shampoo ad 's panel , the ghosts 's hands have long nails and wedding rings , "give him back" , so i guess the actress stole their husbands , or the ghosts are jealous of her pretty hair .
Jul 7, 2018
I don't know how Miko keeps her sanity if she can't even watch TV without seeing creepy shit.

@Lymus lmao I didn't notice that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
@Kendama Shit you're right, it's just phasing through the studio monitor in the top panel.
There really is something in the tent lurking down at the bottom though.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
So it's not a case of Miko having special vision but a case of something obscuring people's senses when the supernatural happens.
...I hate to break this to you, but in both folklore and religion - inside Japan and in the west - this isn't the case. And the fact that there's billions of people on this world and very, very, very few claim to be able to see them (in the manga's universe and our own real life) shows that, yes, it's a case of having something special that allows you to see them. Same way how people that have synesthesia see shit you and I don't see and how people with colorblindness might not be able to make out colors normally, but what they can see is so well defined that companies like Kodak hired people with specific colorblindness to check for color correction accuracy.

And it's funny you mention "a veil," because according to my Irish grandaunt (who was born in the old country and emigrated here as a small child with my grandmother and... well... spooked me and the rest of the family often enough that we all thought she a tinge of it herself - she knew shit that people shouldn't have any earthly reason to know) a child born with "a veil" (a veiled birth, a caul) were ones that would likely have such gifts/powers. I.E. born with something special. The only reason Miko can see and hear shit that's been recorded in some way is because she has that power to see something that is not normally visible by humans or scientific equipment.

And it makes sense, if true. Because we can compare scientific testing with human condition observation. Humans see in the ~400-700nm wavelength range (and, yes, this does vary between person-to-person very slightly, but not enough to really matter). We don't see shit. We go to the scientific equipment measuring changes or movement in the ~400-700nm range. It, too, doesn't see shit. You brought up visible light, but think on this: there are billions upon billions of people in this world with billions of cameras. Yet look at how little evidence we have in the way of people seeing things we shouldn't be seeing. And look at how much that percentage of "weird shit" increases when you start looking into non-visible light and other things.

So, no, visible light is off the table. Art Bell liked to talk at length about shadow people. You might have even seen them yourself. I have. You see a human shape or shadow that looks like someone is standing there out of the corner of your eye and you turn to look and there's nothing there or you have a brief afterimage/glow. Art Bell made the same point - they don't show up in photography, but the phenomena was becoming more and more widespread. His theory was electromagnetic spectrum frequency. Specifically, he theorized, TVs and monitors which were becoming more and more common. And the refresh rate of those devices (like, say, 60Hz) allowing our eyes to focus or have something we normally can't see reflected. Is it real? Is that what's causing it? I dunno, but the theory is sound if you assume that something is actually there. Reminds me of one short story where a guy invented a new camera that could slow and speed up footage at will and started seeing horrific and weird shit that normally couldn't be seen because of the frequency it operated at.

There's a lot of shit we don't know yet. Dark energy and dark matter are... enigmas. We only know that such things exist because we can see that from what we can't see there isn't enough matter holding some galaxies together, so something else has to fit. And the implications of string theory and quantium mechanics where we start dealing with mind-numbing shit like multiple dimensions and observer-interaction/wave function collapse where you can be asked "is that moving or is it stationary" and answer with "yes" and be correct on both accounts.
...But I think we can stop looking at regular visible light and smartphone cameras, because statistically we should already be seeing a mountain of unexplained weird shit by now.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@definitionofinsanity Holy shit, man! You actually believe that stuff? We're talking about literary tropes. The torn veil is a worldbuilding technique for horror and fantasy (and sci-fi, like in the Hyperion Cantos). It's got nothing to do with the real world. ghosts and the supernatural aren't real. Stop drinking the pseudoscience kool-aid.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Holy shit, man! You actually believe that stuff? We're talking about literary tropes.
...Your reading comprehension is complete shit if you missed and didn't understand where I talked about folklore, the in-universe manga and debunked your claims and why they aren't scientifically valid.
Seriously, did you even read what I wrote? Because the way you're talking, it's like you didn't.

The torn veil is a worldbuilding technique for horror and fantasy
No, not in the way you described it. In horror the concept of a veil is something beyond the pale, something we can't see. That's why you have tropes like "Monster from BEYOND the Veil." You applying this "torn veil" principle is 1.) Unfounded and 2.) A bastardization of past horror techniques like that of the Cthulhu mythos where it was the realization and being made aware of what was behind the veil that lets you finally make the connection to the beyond. It was the act of not knowing that was the barrier, and the veil facilitated that. A "torn veil" would indicate something on the level of a fucking tear in what we'd regard as reality... So... no. Not applicable. Also, again, un-fucking-founded.

It's got nothing to do with the real world. ghosts and the supernatural aren't real. Stop drinking the pseudoscience kool-aid.
Lemme apply your same bullshit to your own posts:
The fact that ghosts and spirits show up in pictures and on TV proves that they ARE visible in the world. They physically register on the visible spectrum of light and the audible frequency of sound.
This is, hilariously, also a false dichotomy. Just because she can see them does not mean that they are captured on the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. It just merely means that she can interpret something being there.
So it's not a case of Miko having special vision but a case of something obscuring people's senses when the supernatural happens.

Get a load of this fucking kool-aid drinker saying ghosts and shit are real.
See how infuriatingly intellectually dishonest that is when it's applied to you in such a low effort drive-by shitposting the likes of which you did? Then, pretty please, don't fucking do it in the future. Thanks.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
did this chapter get modified? the last page is wrong
edit: somehow 5 minutes ago the last page of the chapter was wrong but now it's correct again

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