I find some of the beast-kin designs to be slightly disapointing (human-form).
You would think a lion with a mane in human form would have a beard of some sort, as manes = beards... but no, we need all of them to be YOUNG attractive men. Slightly more mature men can work too (like the dandy style maybe?)... Instead, they all look like the stereotypical shoujo reverse harem type of characters where they all look kinda the same. In an anime, this problem would be slightly less obvious and made up by the fact that they have colour(and every character would be have their theme colour), but since it's a manga, you don't even have colour to differentiate between them, only shades.
So what you end up with is, design wise, very bland characters.
I won't talk about personality since there's not many chapters to base that off of at the moment.
P.S. How come we never get any beast-kin like herbivores? It's always canine and feline, the occasional rodent. I don't see any horse, sheep... deer? Or turtles, everybody likes turtles.