@onionskins Thats the thing. There is no story, and theres not really supposed to be. Its about all the fucked up creative ways these crazy women can torture this kid. Plot progression is only gonna happen to mix things up a bit now and then, but it isn't the point. The point is the game and how each girl uses their time to mess with him. Nothing deeper than that. Gore junkfood.
You watch a Saw ,Final destination movie or any slasher movie to see the creative kills. You don't expect a plot, but its great if it has one. I see this as the same thing. Mediocre slasher torture manga.
You're not supposed to empathize with MC. If you do, then you're waiting for him to turn this around and escape and get his revenge. But that isn't what this is about. Its just enjoying these girls torturing this dude endlessly in different ways. Thats how I see it at least.
I mean, its not good. Pacing is off, art is meh, characters are shallow and the torture is getting stale. But its not 3 rating bad. More like a 5 or 6. But most people read the first few chapters and rate it a 1 because its not what they were expecting, as opposed to the quality itself. Sorry for the essay. Just started thinking about it and typed everything that came to mind.
Anyway, have a nice day! Thank you for the response!