And just like that, side characters got more progress than the main couple

Thanks for the translation
I'm fine with it since the main couple is pretty boring since Konishikawa keeps ignoring the obvious affection Misato has for him and Misato refuses to sack up and actually confess (to be fair she's fighting an uphill battle both because of his attitude and also because he's her boss). Kida and the new girl on the other hand are pretty cute together and the new girl is actually willing to put the effort into winning him over. Misato could learn quite a bit from her.
He ain't wrong about the near-misandry in modern society. I didn't realize it was as bad in Japan though.
It's less misandry and more the obvious scandal it would cause and how that would reflect poorly on the company given he's her boss. Japan is all about staying low key and not going against the grain so anything that would potentially bring negative press to them is seen as problematic and would be swiftly swept under the rug while likely furloughing Konishikawa to the point of him having not much recourse except resigning in shame.
Also as an extra bit of irony, because Japan
is still a heavily patriarchal society the fact that he's a man and she's a woman would inadvertently put the onus on him as the one in control of that potential tryst even if she's the one who approached him. It isn't misandry that governs that belief though, it's (again ironically) the idea that in a Patriarchy the man would have the power thus the assumption would be that she was following his orders even if that wasn't the case since it wouldn't be much of a Patriarchy if the woman was the one in control. Cruel twist of fate and all that but in a male dominated culture it makes sense to assume the man was the one who organized it, not the other way around. Essentially it's toxic masculinity on a societal scale.