Don't know and don't care. I'm not in the matchmaking business and it's not relevant to my point.
Bullshit. Also a straw-man. I said nothing about having a mother figure being good or bad and that fact is not relevant to what I was saying. I said saying "Use our service, think about your kid that we totally care about, get married because it's good for your kid
and we make money out of it and you're young and your wife has been dead long enough." is entirely manipulative. Even if he wanted to get married, attempting to convince him by justifying it as a benefit for his kid is manipulative. The line literally means "doing this is probably good for your kid" ergo "not doing this is probably bad for your kid". It's the same shit politicians do whenever an issue that benefits them comes up: "Think about the children!". Odds are neither of them give a fuck about the children. To make matters worse, these assholes said "Quite a lot of time has passed since your wife's death". Fuck them. No matter who that is, it is not their place to say that. "It's been long enough". That's manipulation.
It's a letter from (I assume) a matchmaking business. Assuming a business is trying to help you is something relegated to morons. Even if it was from an individual, it became manipulative the second he brought the kid into it, not to mention his fucking dead wife. Either way, it's ignorance on the scale of maliciousness or simple maliciousness.