Miss Not-So Sidekick - Ch. 88

Jul 24, 2018
@penguinslovesnow somehow it's still hard for me to accept the idea of Ibelin becomes evil towards Latte just because she stoles her spotlight (according to people here). I know there's a possibility Ibelin will turn her back on Latte but I just wanna know her true motives for done that.

What I'm pretty sure is that the author successfully makes the readers got so hooked and engaged to the story, lol.
Mar 21, 2018
I wouldn't say that she'll be evil towards Latte but she'll definitely lash out and blame her for changing everything at some point. Ibelin is probably used to people lavishing her with praise and attention because of her beauty and kindness and she continues to act that way to keep that going. However, now that 2 of the three fishes (Kenneth and Arwin) are going out of their way to protect Latte while she's sitting on the side (after the shelf incident) she's starting to feel threatened and that's why she acted so weird towards Latte. I don't think she's a true villain, just someone who needs to mature and learn that the world doesn't revolve around her. Now Peridot on the other hand is a true villain down to her very bones.
Group Leader
Jul 18, 2019
kyaa can't wait for the next!! thanks fo update:) what Latte going to do with the twins huh?
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
Idk I'm not convinced Ibelina is secretly crushing/obsessed with Latte. She's been saying shady stuff to paint herself as a victim and Latte ad a bad guy for a bunch of chapters. Not to mention that chapter where Latte got a drink all over her dress and noticed that Ibelina didn't bother to look for her/ask what was wrong.

It feels more like Ibelina doesn't actually care about Latte as a friend. Which is why it's so odd that she keeps hanging out with Latte. I have no clue what her motivation is.
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2019
@LaDeeDah I feel like it's because she knows she's in a novel and she's been hanging around with Latte because the story has a setup for when she is betrayed by her "friend" but the original friend from the novel is nowhere in sight so she's using Latte instead. She is most definitely aware that Peridot approached Latte to betray her.

I didn't think much of it at first, but the author is making it increasingly more obvious as the story goes on.
Active member
Mar 9, 2019
@LaDeeDah @Hobnobs it's a pretty common trope at this point to have the "villain" and the "protagonist" know that they are in the same story. Likewise, it's also a common trope to have the villain turn out not to be a villain and end up with the main male cast. I'd imagine that that is a large part of the issue here, as well as that throwing off the "heroine" because she doesn't know what to do under the changed circumstances. =P Also, the MC, Latte, is rewriting the story in meaningful ways by acting as a real person and giving each character the opportunity to be more than 1 dimensional. I'd wager that the "heroine" may also have powers or that the "system" is forcing the characters to behave a certain way and Latte is breaking the system's control over these other characters, thus making their experiences realistic/more interesting despite not being "perfect", and thus the story is breaking down.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
it's always a joy to watch latte. always have my popcorn prepared for her antics... and arwin's too! enjoying the crazy mob names also. 😂😂😂
Jul 27, 2019
main ship is arwin and latte...ibelin can choose over the other two 😂 but definitely interested in what's going to happen in the future and what ibelin's true motive is
Sep 30, 2019
Ibelin is gonna be so evil... I’m just waiting for her to switch up suddenly
Nov 5, 2019
“even if you’re the culprit there must’ve ben a reason” bitch thats the biggest red flag ive ever seen
Feb 23, 2020
Everyone: Ibelin is so a bitch, calling it!

Ibelin: "she is MY friend. I wouldn't blame you even if you did do it(It won't ever be your fault.) "
and addresses Latte first, not Arwin.

Me: HA! She's a Latte stan!

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