Overall this series is a strong 9/10 great characters, story, fights, art etc. Taiyo grows massively throughout the series and overall everyone feels like they have their place except for the moustache guy that betrayed them like 3/4 times with no consequences whatsoever.
I am curious how the Yozakura are supposed to have massive families but we never see these guy's uncles or aunties but that's a small nitpick i assume the author didn't touch on because it'd make the already massive cast even bigger with a few redundancies.
I think the kids are great characters but it did kinda feel like a waiting period before the author settled on what he wanted to do with the ending some chapters feeling like they don't actually do anything now that the story has concluded.
Taiyo's family you mean? We did found out about them
We found out bits but it feels like there was more to explore tbh.
Overall great series with a good epilogue.