@TulipMoon unless this is redoing of an old chapter, i think you mislabeled this rather than chapter 16?
(Also, should it not be 'plumeria' instead of plumenia like the flower, unless the LN also had an 'n' on purpose)
Dang i know it's in the middle of a war but you'd think students wouldn't be forced to participate, isn't mitsuba only like 12-13 at this point? (But her bloodlust/power is an outlier compared to other student-soldiers [tho i guess she's considered an adult in her time if she's also allowed to get some booze]) I vaguely remember her being 11 at the start, even if you do force children soldiers there'd be probably the oldest/most experienced shipped off before the younger students unless they're literally being used as canon fodders/sacrifices
Chrone/Krone is a #girlboss lol