Mob kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyuutan - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

Power Uploader
Aug 9, 2018
As I mentioned in our chapter 8 upload after some surprising backlash, there was never a 3 month gap in this series. We have been tardy only in uploading to Mangadex. Uploading to multiple sources is time consuming and things can fall through the cracks. In the view of our group, Manga Galaxy, N-scans will be considered a sniper group as they did NOT verify on Mangaupdates, Reddit, our discord, or our website that this series was dropped or that there was a REAL 3 month gap. We will not be dropping this series. We will continue to post our higher quality releases on both our website and Mangadex. And yes, we are a bit in a sour mood that N-scans has put us in this situation. But overall, I'll do what I can to post more frequently on Mangadex so that this doesn't happen to our other series.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Discord for a speedy reply. My username is still Graviity on Discord and our group link is still usable from the Mangadex group page for Manga Galaxy.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2023
To be frank as a reader I don't give a rats ass if you dropped it for three months or not. You did drop it for a while and somebody with better work ethic picked up the slack. Crying "we were sniped" is idiotic when you're so far behind the other group.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
In the view of our group, Manga Galaxy, N-scans will be considered a sniper group as they did NOT verify on Mangaupdates, Reddit, our discord, or our website that this series was dropped

And why should they? Did you update HERE? No, you did not, so "in the view of" those of us who only read it here, you dropped it.

You could have a hundred more chapters on your group's personal website, but if you don't upload them here then they may as well not exist for us.

No one is saying that you can't keep working this series, but you're angry about something that was ultimately your own fault (and completely preventable.)
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
N-scans will be considered a sniper group as they did NOT verify on Mangaupdates
No one but you will consider them as having sniped this as they mass released when no one else was translating it.

And yes, we are a bit in a sour mood that N-scans has put us in this situation.
In which situation? In a situation that forced you to upload where people can see it? Or is it because you want people to go on your personal website because you want to tell people that you need money to run said website when dozen, if not hundred, of website let you host your scan for free?

You cant be pissed that other decided to trad this when you only upload on your personal website, your discord or even worst reddit.

PS : I just checked, and you uploaded on website so obsucre that even agregator didn't even have any of your chapter...
Aug 29, 2020
as someone mentioned before, i only use mangadex to read manga
whatever reason causes the upload gap its not the readers fault nor the other group faults for picking it up considering theres 3 month upload gap between 7 and 8
thats completely on u
with that being said the backlash shouldnt be that surprising if u keep trying to stay on the high ground claiming ure on the right

still grateful to any of your group works, but this is not it man
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
Manga Galaxy haven't Uploading any new chapters for 3 months
*N scans take over and translate 11 chapters *
Manga Galaxy Uploading 2 chapters after 3 months and cries about being sniped

holy shit mate is been 3 months and someone takes over and you call it sniped? dude you look really bad here
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It doesn't help that in the span of less than a month N Scans managed to do as many chapters as your group produced across multiple months, even including the ones you kept sitting stagnant on your website, with even this chapter almost a month old.

I mean... I don't want to knock your efforts but holding releases on a poorly designed website where nearly everything is hidden behind manwha, with this series not even being visible unless you search for it and find it on the second page, is going to make most people think it has been dropped.

I could see sitting on chapters for a couple of weeks of website "exclusivity" but months is just asking for someone to come along and do it better.
Aug 17, 2020
As I mentioned in our chapter 8 upload after some surprising backlash, there was never a 3 month gap in this series. We have been tardy only in uploading to Mangadex. Uploading to multiple sources is time consuming and things can fall through the cracks. In the view of our group, Manga Galaxy, N-scans will be considered a sniper group as they did NOT verify on Mangaupdates, Reddit, our discord, or our website that this series was dropped or that there was a REAL 3 month gap. We will not be dropping this series. We will continue to post our higher quality releases on both our website and Mangadex. And yes, we are a bit in a sour mood that N-scans has put us in this situation. But overall, I'll do what I can to post more frequently on Mangadex so that this doesn't happen to our other series.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Discord for a speedy reply. My username is still Graviity on Discord and our group link is still usable from the Mangadex group page for Manga Galaxy.
bruh... i just check your official website and this manga last translation was chapter 9 last november😑 even on your own there was a month gap and still no chapter 10. fr i prefer n scans cause unlike you that also way too focused on long paged comic like manhwa, manhua, webtoon, etc... just like many other typical scanlation group that has their own website soon forget the manga that they took to scanlate, we like n scans for being able to do a consistent scanlation with good its not even about late upload or anything, you just fr forgot about this manga only to remember at the last min when other readers are enjoying it without relying on you on mangadex. we cam still accept your bs if you already has like 20+ chapter on your own website but nah only chapter 9 with a month of silence? nah, no thank you. you can being passive aggressive elsewhere. we're quite enjoying our christmas here with n scans scanlating this manga
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2023
As I mentioned in our chapter 8 upload after some surprising backlash, there was never a 3 month gap in this series. We have been tardy only in uploading to Mangadex. Uploading to multiple sources is time consuming and things can fall through the cracks. In the view of our group, Manga Galaxy, N-scans will be considered a sniper group as they did NOT verify on Mangaupdates, Reddit, our discord, or our website that this series was dropped or that there was a REAL 3 month gap. We will not be dropping this series. We will continue to post our higher quality releases on both our website and Mangadex. And yes, we are a bit in a sour mood that N-scans has put us in this situation. But overall, I'll do what I can to post more frequently on Mangadex so that this doesn't happen to our other series.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Discord for a speedy reply. My username is still Graviity on Discord and our group link is still usable from the Mangadex group page for Manga Galaxy.

To no offense.. but this doesn't seem to be a passion project on your end - I quite enjoy a lot of the manga that your group works on, but in this case, it appears that N Scans is enjoying this story, and the translation process, rather than trying to monopolize on an external site or through asking for money for their work.

After a bit of finagling on your website, I was able to find this series and based off of your message, I had figured you also had several more chapters available but I was only able to see that the last chapter translated and posted on your site was from last month.

I get that the process of scanlation takes time, more so when you have a large scale team - You've got your TL who provides a script, a QC who should be reviewing that with the context to make sure it sounds tangible, then off to the cleaner/redrawers/type setters to do their thing and back to QC to ensure it's up to snuff and everything once again makes sense.. at least that's how it should be handled. However, in cases like this, it looks like you are putting your team first (Which hey, is a great thing! I wish my boss for my job would take a note from that book and apply it so I feel valued too!) by having a limited release to a more publicly available platform, and no offense.. more user friendly format, here on Mangadex.

In those kind of cases, it makes sense to trickle releases as it generates more traffic to your website where people will be constantly checking for updates, able to see more series.. able to click more pages and generate more ad revenue which then goes to your staff.. again, all cool and all.

However the issue here is that there has been available raws that someone decided to pick up and translate because they wanted to see the story and translation progress.. neither group owns the original material, but one group is doing it for the sake of generating income for their staff, while the other hasn't asked for a penny.. the views people will have of either group will certainly sway.

I can understand your sourness but I'd advise to not take it out too much as it may come across that you're losing a source of income, versus losing a passion project, which may not generate a very good image moving forward.

I can also understand that with so many active, or inactive, series that your group has right now, that you may not have as much staff as you want to keep up with every single one of them, but sometimes it may be better to let go of things you may not be able to keep up on, so that others who are doing this out of passion can take over and allow us readers to enjoy the experience that they want to share with us.

This isn't meant to call you out, to cause offense, or put your group down in any way whatsoever.. but this just gave a "really bruh?" kind of feeling.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
As I mentioned in our chapter 8 upload after some surprising backlash, there was never a 3 month gap in this series. We have been tardy only in uploading to Mangadex. Uploading to multiple sources is time consuming and things can fall through the cracks. In the view of our group, Manga Galaxy, N-scans will be considered a sniper group as they did NOT verify on Mangaupdates, Reddit, our discord, or our website that this series was dropped or that there was a REAL 3 month gap. We will not be dropping this series. We will continue to post our higher quality releases on both our website and Mangadex. And yes, we are a bit in a sour mood that N-scans has put us in this situation. But overall, I'll do what I can to post more frequently on Mangadex so that this doesn't happen to our other series.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Discord for a speedy reply. My username is still Graviity on Discord and our group link is still usable from the Mangadex group page for Manga Galaxy.
Sounds like a bunch of bullshit excuses to me 🤔

Think it's upto the community to decide if its been sniped or not, y can't say they sniped u if ya only upload to an aggregator site. 👏

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