Gendai Shakai De Otome Game No Akuyaku Reijou Wo Suru No Wa Chotto Taihen - Vol. 2 Ch. 9.5 - Interlude 3 - The Doll'neechan

Apr 24, 2023
"At least everyone in Argentina will be have barbecues, so there's that."
-some stub in the C-suite, probably.

"I really like the sound of this 'long goodbye' in the US."
-some dumb member of the board, probably.

"There's no way Congress allows US Steel to be bought. Just wait and see what 'free-marketeers' have to say about it."
-a really incredulous member of the board, probably.

"Really? 4 years of debate to end with the same constitution they started with, just now more validated? I've seen political debates with more braincells than this."
-some angry fella in the C-suite, probably.

"They can talk all they want about Ukraine joining the EU, they won't do shit until the issue of Ukrainian agriculture is taken care of. Mark my words, they'll have riots if they allow tariff-free access of Ukrainian agriculture to the European market."
-some member of the board, probably.

"Did the EU get its shit together, or are they trying to prevent far-right parties from winning more popularity?"
-some member of the board, probably.

"Happy Holidays, from all of SSS. Anyways, guys, we'll do a WFH arrangement until February. I don't want to pay for the hea- I mean our company wants to contribute in stemming global warming"
-the CEO, tabun
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
Their interactions are so cute. I hope these side characters will appear again in the future. :glee:

Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020
Thank you for the translations SiliconSuisse, as always. So all the cultural/social history stuff happened in their world the same way it did in ours, I presume (i.e all that is taken from RL history rather than the game the protag reincarnated in)?
Apr 24, 2023
Apr 24, 2023
Thank you for the translations SiliconSuisse, as always. So all the cultural/social history stuff happened in their world the same way it did in ours, I presume (i.e all that is taken from RL history rather than the game the protag reincarnated in)?
It would seem so, the devs are probably too lazy when they came up with the worldbuilding of just the society they lived in. To be fair, they went out of their way to flesh out Runa's lore by changing history, so I guess they're not that lazy.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2023
Ahhhhhhh~ I noticed the reply on the other thread but.... yeah... I'm still patient so I'm not too upset. Considering the circumstances too (the reshuffling), I really am not ready to change my stance on the venture over such a trifling matter once everything is considered and pondered.

As a quick assessment, this chapter is really not that bad to be honest. While it is not the chapter I was hoping, it certainly is not a disappointment either.

This illustrates several things that are also done in the LN to "humanize" Runa. It just makes it illustrated. This also potentially highlights certain aspects that would have made as a contrast to differentiate what happened to "Current Runa" and "Game Runa".

First off, this just goes to show that Runa-chan is also quite willing and motivated to use her own power for "selfish reasons". It highlights the altruism shown when Runa used her own fortunes in a net-loss moves to shore up Japan's financial institutions from financial ruin. This in turn saves quite a lot of people. So for her to spend the fortunes needed to save a classmate's family business just so she can keep said classmate as a friend is really a "greedy play" with her power.

As and aside... some might argue that her movements to buy up the financial institutions on her play to save the economy will just land her with more power. This is just an assumption however. She has used her own fortune's growth to buy up failing institutions to make sure they do not fail. This is totally counter to the usual workings of investment in which these places are actually motivated by outside forces to fail so they can snatch up the good pieces for cheap. Not only that, she had to take out a loan from the government through the MOF and BoJ with the "Special Loans". She is basically taking out a loan to save a failing bank. That does not make any logical sense to do if you follow the conventional wisdom and motives. But when the end goal is to save Japan (and those immediately around her) from experiencing the resulting pain and suffering... well, that's not conventional at all no?

It just so happens that in the future, outside factors and influences will make it so that she'll be able to buy back these assets from the government by using that condition of being able to bid for these assets later on when they are up for sale. Like holy crap, the amount she had to pay to buy back the assets they held is literally almost a steal. To the point where the opposition are accusing everyone involved of corruption lol. So yeah... this altruistic move paid out in massive magnitudes because of other circumstances and events.

Second, the chapter shows that Runa-chan is still a child in body and that certain childishness is still something that pervades her life. Taking (and actually following through) nap time and engaging in tomfoolery at such a level when dealing her Mio's bullies... It goes to show that even if she is "a mature adult" in mind and "knows the future", it doesn't fully define her with just that kind of labels. She is still Runa. She might be odd and very unlike many children, but she is not at the level of "inhuman" for those around her. She can still laugh, cry, and engage in "normal" things and even socialize and make friends. She is still a "child". That is a good thing.

Thirdly, this fully establishes the "Core friends" that Runa has. Her inner circle so to say. As pointed out, she might not have been able to capture her initial goal of going into that kindergarten but she came out of it with something even better. Friends that accepts her in all her glory and eccentricity.

This leads to the other point I want to make and point out to people.

The game Runa and current Runa are different. Not only would game Runa wouldn't have been able to set up the Moonlight Fund and independently secure herself from the main family, she most likely wouldn't have been able to go to Academy because of the lack of will to go against the main family.

Remember that the Main Family was initially not willing to let Runa go to the Academy and it is only through persuasion from the house staff that it happen.

Also it can be presumed that game Runa grew up as a "normal child"... a bit lonely because of how isolated she is from the main family and most likely treated as an outcast because of who her parents were and what happen there. her household would have eventually collapsed and she would have been taken back in as an unwanted child by the main family....

With the current Runa, things are different from her game counterpart. At this point in time, she has managed to avoid that financial crisis (that would have undoubtedly came to pass on game Runa's life) and she also manage to establish her inner circle of friends. Alongside with other changes in her life (thus far).

Also in terms of history, in practical terms, they follow the general course of "real world" history with changes being affected by Runa that deviates from it...

I mean, I can see the simple switch of "Conglomerates" that rose up in Real Japan vs "Zaibatsu" that still lived on that is centered around the "Noble Class" and their families.

Anywho, I think I wrote enough. I can just feel my thoughts drifting further and further.

I liked the chapter and still am eagerly awaiting the next chapter proper!

Thank you SSS + GN for the work! I hope your restructuring goes well!

And you are 100% right on the slush fund scandal. It's HILARIOUS when I first heard of it and I immediately thought of the same thing.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
Why do I enjoy reading this manga? Besides chapters like these, I mean.

Most chapter of this are things that I can understand the basics, but the strategy goes right over my head. And as much as the translators try, reading the expanations just makes my head crosseyed.
Yet I keep coming back whenever there is a new chapter, as if excited to see her deal with things I can't even understand.

I guess this manga is just well-made like that. Like, I come for the characters? And these chapters outside the main story just reinforce this.

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