Can somebody confirm for me that this is actually supernatural because ever since early in chapter 1 I've been thinking the lady is possibly
his mom, or another blood relative
and while I would desperately like to abandon that notion, given all that has followed, everything has been reinforcing it (hopefully by accident). I mean, if it's not supernatural, hopefully
it's just another kid from the orphanage who turned into a stalker because that would be the not-creepy option here.
I couldn't quite make it more than halfway through the existing chapters with these possibilities as notions in my head, way too damn uncomfortable XD
...Also, on a more pragmatic note, I should probably remove the supernatural tag if no one's seen any real evidence of it. This seemed to be thriving on an "is it or isn't it" premise, after all.
@LemonPopLord I uploaded Chapter 13 last night, and I believe it is still pending as it is my first upload, though if it isn't up by the end of the day I'll contact mdex support.