im taking over here but be welcome to take me out. just doing this in free time. first time also. if u wanna help or something hit me up here or on discord #fukai20#9399
Thanks for picking this up, bad translations are better than no translations! I'm sure you will improve the more chapters you translate. I also did not think the translation was too bad, very readable and not confusing.
That some revival shit
And no problem for me with the "bad translations" i mean i did learn english by youtube so it not like i will see something wrong lol
@shygirlthat Bruh, this isn't about tans or dark skin. That was a metric ton of makeup. She was practically wearing blackface with white around the eyes, if anything. Feel free to Google image search manba gyaru, the manga really doesn't do it justice. If you're familiar with Komi-san at all, this is the same gyaru subtype Manbagi was dressing up as when introduced, but she at least seemed to actually have a tan and not just enough makeup to clog every pore on her body.