Took a long time for a large group to take down one person, despite his skills.
Looking forward to the next progression. Can’t imagine he’ll be welcomed what with turning their dead into his servants.
The fish will just spit him back out all together into a single mass. Which then will rise up out of the water exclaiming that you couldn't have possibly been expecting him to be Dio.
They already explained that the exploration team were extremely powerful individuals so it ended up being a long drawn-out battle to finish him off. One single person, even the mage had to be sneak attacked with that decapitation.
@HDMI1 for some reason authors and artists think that's cool but its so dumb....sometimes it works when the enemie(s) have 0 way of avoiding it or retaliating but other than that it's soooo stupid
Oh, they stopped 1v1'ing one after another. They decided to use 3~4 people at once and just imagine, they won in less than two minutes. Not if they did that from the start when they had 12 people instead of leaving Silane to die alone...
Um so like kicking Silaine in the gut when she's a ghoul, I mean is he an idiot? Assuming that the dead body doesn't require oxygen, trying to shock her via forcing out the air in the lungs is pointless.