@ralphax@Sweetish@HotHotChicken@moonwolf06 one quick search on google and you would have found out that Dark Lady is actually a spin-off sequel, which, in layman’s terms, means it’s not canon.
@KINGwaldo 40 chapters after he becomes a girl, he becomes one of the most powerful characters in that universe
You homophobic kids need to learn how to stop being judgemental.
@KINGwaldo@Sweetish Do not take my comment to heart, folks. Each row in my message caters to a different audience. The last one was a generalization since I couldn't just tag almost every other person
@Obarou It is not canon. Yes, it takes place after Origins, but the author never intended it to be a sequel. He intended it to be a spin-off that he wanted to write for a short while with an unconventional plot, straying away from the standard wuxia genre, but the series gained popularity so he was compelled to continue it and make an actual storyline out of it.
I started to read this manhwa from the start and then I read the Dark Lady and both of them suit my tastes really well, I totally recommend them. If you don't agree, FRICK OFF I CAN HAVE MY OWN FRICKING OPINION