Hi, I'm the translator of this chapter... I'm really sorry about what happened... I translated his name literally here because I thought it was just a compliment from the nurse to the patient... something like a support letter... and I thought the same thing from the parents, since they hate him... I thought they meant to say this word as a joke, because they wish he would disappear from this world... so I translated it literally just to fit the dark atmosphere
Man... You should stop drinking while translating, because that makes no sense at all.
Could you please tell me what wasn't good in the first half of the chapter? It will help me improve the translation in the future.
Common MTL issues, like misinterpreting who's speaking about who. Example: page 28, the last two speech bubbles. The mother is saying that he's causing trouble for the family by exaggerating his injuries and being lazy.
Messing up negatives, like on page 23 "Even when I had a cold, I was kicked for not taking breaks". In fact, looking at the raws, this is a really weird way to translate this part. Here he's saying that even if he caught a cold, he was kicked and not allowed to rest.
Translating the same line differently even though it was already translated well in the previously. Previous chapter it was "Why do I keep drawing the short end of the stick" and this chapter it's "Why do I always get dealt the worst hand" for no reason even though it's the exact same line in the raws.
Now that I'm looking at the raws of chapter 1.2, at the end, right before this line, the Goddess actually says his name, Mutou Kushina, not the skill name. So I guess that chapter has the same issues, just that it was better proofread.
And a huge amount of other incomprehensible translations. Seriously, if a real human put any amount of effort into actually reading the story, they'd see how many of the translations don't make any sense in context. You'd have to either be brain dead or an AI.
Actually, you know what? I kinda started believing that this is a human translation after all. I tried using Google Lens, and the translation is much more comprehensible. I just have a hard time understanding how could someone make such retarded mistakes.
I'm done here. I don't believe you actually care about improving your translations, so this is just wasted effort. I'm gonna stop trying to prove how shit some people's translations are in general.
In fact, I'm just gonna stop reading translations at all. I'm fucking tired of all the garbage. Just gonna bite the bullet and switch completely to raws. Sayonara, fuckos.