You'd think it would be easy to just say that "mom" is a nickname or some inside joke. Nobody would believe the girl younger than him would be his mother.
Love this series so much. Thanks for keeping the translation and editing on point. Author is so good at provoking different feelings whether it’s comical stupid banter or making me reflect on my own self.
@JWChibi well at the very least he's regretting it and do the negotiation with the devil to make his mom young again unlike someone I know who's a total jerk and more traitorous than Judas.
@JWChibi To me, the definition of maturity is not age but behaviour and knowing how to care about the pov of others. He's a brat which is true (I'm not gonna disagree) but I do see lot of kids act like that during that age. It's just a pity he wasn't those children who matured faster due to tough circumstances instead. Thank god he finally matured after his mom nearly died. Which actually sounds terrible now that I typed it out