Moto Kizoku Reijou de Mikon no Haha Desuga, Musumetachi ga Kawaii Sugite Boukenshagyo mo Ku ni Narimasen - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 1, 2018
What??? Did they just not acknowledge all the dead kids?? Feels like I'm reading a quick situation summary, there's not much emotions other than "my daughters!"
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@Panzercracker - sure, increasing the numbers is an option. But at some point, you are no longer a party, but an army, with all the logistic, cooperation and scouting problems that entrails.
On a more practical level, the more people you bring in, the less money each adventurer gets.

@Mathew_01 - they aren't really his friends. Just random people he met an hour ago in the adventurers' guild.
With all the priests and holy magic around, I wonder if the dead adventurers just got resurrected.
Jan 24, 2018
@flannan there is no rule that limit the size and elements, contents of a party. On practical level, a 4-men party can only travel a distance of 3~4 days at best until supply run out and only able moving in the land that they can hunt, but still not enough storage to store more food thus if one day they hunt nothing, they stave and become weak. You can see it how disadvantage of 4-men party in this arc, where they don't have logistic element to carry and manage food, medicine, thus they unable to do pro-long siege in frozen land where far away from a nearest village, when they run out food, they need to send out 1 member and they lost 25% manpower just finding food. In combat, if they face many enemies, they only have fighters and they on frontline while mage, cleric at rearline but it also mean the rearline has no defenders will easily preys for a pincer attack, that already happen in this very first party in this series, that is practical or not practical?

And 4 vs 40~50 enemies is also not practical.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@Panzercracker - the trick is, when an army goes into a village and gets supplies, the peasants are left half-starving. When a party of 4 goes into a village and buys supplies, there are no problems.
Also, it's a lot easier to feed 4 people with hunting than 50.
Jan 24, 2018
@flannan when an army of hundreds men moving, they have logistics detachment going around many villages to buy not only one and scout group go ahead to explore locations to buy food, supply without lost too much manpower of party, if they choice siege strategy an army will have supply line connect with a nearest city or supply depot and storage for months of supply, they don't need going around to buy supply frequently and left the only 3 men sieging 50 goblins nest just like 4-men party. And the 4 men can easily buy supply from a village, but they can't carry much food, supply by only one man, and in this case is a girl, she can't carry 50kg food so they will last for 2-3 days and send her go again. Especially in a arc in Goblin Slayer where distance from goblin nest to nearest village is long and frozen, unable for hunting, so you think 4-men party or a war party with supply line and materials, manpower to lay siege is better?

4-men party hunting is not easier than 50 men party,. With only 4, they hardly send 2 men at same time or mage and cleric are defenseless. Also with 1-2, it is impossible to hunt a large prey like boar, deer and carry it back the camp while a hunting party with cart and 10 men out of 50 can hunt boars enough for rest of party. If a 12 men party, they can send 4-5 men to hunt and enough to hunt and drag a boar back while still has enough men to defend camp and mage, cleric.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2018
don't worry this manga is safe to read.

I mean there must be female goblin somewhere!
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2019
Mhm, that got dark quite quickly O_O

@Panzercracker No offense, but your thinking ignores some things in the economic department, goblins here are (normally) obviously the equivalent to something like a small pack of wolves, economically it is total nonsense to send something armylike. The standard 4 to 5 people adventurer group is a bit arbitrary, we can agree on that, you could do 8 or 12 or 50 if you want, but there is a limit, first of all larger groups (liek ~50) need to do larger quests, because the reward would be too low otherwise, groups like this wouldnt form in relativly safe regions and quests for reaaally large groups would threaten the nation, so they would normally dont even pop up, because the real army would take care of national threats, at least outside of special threats like real dragons, which would need a small number of exceptional individuals anyway, because "smallfry" would stand no chance.
So, in the end a group of 4 seems small, but would make sense for small (1-3 day) and easy quests (which this normally would be, the goblins are only dangerous because of a leader that organizes them plus the fighting strength the dragon itself has, the quest is probably easily 20 times more dangerous then it should be even before the adult dragon comes in).
If we look at adventuring in fantasy in general groups with about 10-15 members would be probably more common then the standard 4-5 for the reasons you mentioned, better possibilities to split up the work of camp setting, hunting ect, but larger groups then 20 tops would probably not form, at least outside of reaaally high threat regions.
Jan 24, 2018
@Silwith that is the reason of a lot of newbie groups of 4-man were wipe out fast by goblin due outnumbered and expect as easy quest. Unless the prices of those newbie are only 3-pennies, can restock like cows and sheeps. If the price is low, just refuse the quest until the threats of those "small" and "easy" goblin nest grow bigger, more dangerous and the villages that must give more reward to hire more hunters or professional soldiers to deal with.

The common number 10-15 members just because the authors are too lazy to write more. 10-15 members group can only carry provision for at least a week, people in medieval era (which common era setting of fantasy novels) eat 1~1.5kg food per day and 3~5 liters of water unless you carry a cart, and cart need a quartermaster and some members to guard itl. If they come to the land of not much villages, towns around, it mean you can travel around a villages half of a week back and for to buy supply. The problems of supply happen in the Goblin Paladin arc in Goblin Slayer, where a 4-man group try a prolong seize a goblin nest due they not dare go deeper to goblin nest and wait for goblin come out one by one, but their supply run out and need at least 1 member (lost 25% manpower) to to take supply from nearest village, but the rest 3 members were outnumbered and all killed. Yeah, such small fries and easy quest with low reward but high casualty.

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