Moto-Sekai Ichii Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki ~Hi-Player, Isekai wo Kouryaku-chu!~ - Vol. 3 Ch. 21

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
if you werent being ironic or using sarcasm then i would think that you might be forgetting that by the same logic he would be fine with a sword cleaving through his head aslong as its not seperating from the body....

even in a game attacking weakpoints leads to extreme critical dmg for humans that would be brain hear and spine
below that would be other vital points like liver, genitals, lungs etc.

and thats already being generous as a result of the game design because destroying vitalpoints successfully in real life leads to basicly instant death (well instant loss of combat ability + death in under 5min) and the critical ones? thats over kill and true instant death.
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
@Roadrunner9000 you know a person doesn't instantly die when you pierce their heart right also you're talking about game logic as if hitboxes in games aren't juste rectangles.... and sorry define "extreme critical damage" because in most games crits are 2x normal damage and that's all, so following game logic if you got insane amounts of hp a hit that would do twice normal damage wouldn't be enough to kill ya
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Roadrunner9000 Depends on the game the world was based on, if it was an MMORPG like WOW, some HP and HP regen is all he needs to walk it off.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2020
"You think i'd be killed by something like a sword through my heart? Hah, YOU FOOLS!!!"
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
on second thought someone please delete this comment of mine
its not realy centered on the manga so it shouldnt have been posted as a comment
if someone could report it to a admin i would be thankful


tbh i wouldnt have posted my comment if the author hadnt treated bloodloss differently from the "normal" healing of injuries

the game logic your featureing doesnt have something like permanent death, age, bloodloss or organs in it
technically the brain can stay"alive" for upwards to 2~3 minutes even after decapitation meaning teachnically even decapitation cant instantly bring the hp to 0
by extension both of you are basicly saying that even after being beheaded your fine as long as your hp/hp regen are sufficient or you regen fully within 2 minutes
also there would be no reason to die of old age as long as your healing/vitality is sufficient
and the reverse side to those examples would be the mc instantly dieing from being pricked in the finger without poison as long as the enemies stats are sufficient

if your fine with that then i guess its a simple case of having different prerequisites for a functioning game based world because i would expect a functioning system were organs, age and blood arent just something that can be ignored with a bit of healing or stats

if its a game world then there is no need for mixing reality into it like bloodloss
but if its a mixed world releated to reality but with game elements then i expect the mix to be well thought out or at least handout some special abilities that clearly define who can ignore what degree of injury

and regarding the extreme critical dmg i mentioned i would refer to the system predominantly used in soulsborne games where such mortal strikes are in fact a thing and depending on the circumstances can deplete your hp bar in 1 hit
especially hunters in bloodborne are notorious for parrying and then 1 hit killing the avatar
granted those are unsuited to most current mmo's but so are vr games like the one in the manga with nothing but a visor or a game world with the chance of permanent death of ones self

spoilers arent actual story spoilers i just didn't want my comment to read like some arrogant degrading smartass teachertype lesson but didnt realy know how else to phrase it
so i used the spoilers to hide the unimportant bits
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
@Roadrunner9000 you make a point, but i'll just sum what you said to "author can't be bothered to be careful when to apply game logic and when not to" and just wings it when the MCs need their plot armor, and discard it when there is a way of making a joke, also on a side note have you ever had one of your characters in game die of old age? it just reinforces what you said and i found that funny
Aug 15, 2020
If we are talking about comparing it to soulsborne games, in darksouls(at least in ds3) getting back stabbed or riposted doesn't automatically kill you, it just does more damage and it scales with your weapons and stats so it's not that different from this chapter really. The mc basically has high vigor(ds3 hp stat) and is getting back stabbed by a random npc(with low lvl and stats presumably) with a normal(non upgraded) weapon(not to forget that the npc's stats probably aren't completely/efficiently build for a long sword), Therefore losing less than fifth of his hp is perfectly fine.

Though I get what you are saying, the problem is game stats doesn't mix well with really life,
[ul] I mean what does high hp would mean in real life( it's basically a worthless stat if it doesn't stop you dying from hits).
Or when you wear plate armour in games but somehow you still take damage from a rusty broken dagger(albeit less with better armour).
How do you calculate fall damage, some people in really life survive from absurdly high falls.
and so on...[/ul]
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2018
Ooooohkay. I would consider that a 1hit KO but GLAD’s it’s not that kinda game. Lmao
Feb 17, 2019
@Roadrunner9000 Rather than whether the world of a videogame should function like the real world or not, the thing I find more annoying is the author not staying consistent with his own established logic, i.e. the main character passing out from blood loss from cutting off his own arm, but bleeding less and not losing consciousness despite being stabbed through the heart. Another possibility is that the main character has done a ton of leveling between then and now in the story (thus becoming strong enough to withstand a fatal blow with ease) but the manga adaptation cut that out for the sake of brevity. If that's the case it's no wonder there is unnecessary confusion regarding the game world.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
I wish updates were more often. Story isn't exactly great but I enjoy this.
Aug 24, 2018
let's be honest here the world building and the rules are fucking ass, like anybody understands what the is even going on with the titles
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
I don't get it, how did he end up not noticing them sneaking up to backstab him? It is obvious that despite what the panel fading to black suggested he didnt fall asleep (otherwise he wouldnt have tried to keep watch alone 3 full nights in a row in the first place), so it can only be that he intentionally let them stab him. But being stabbed in the heart for his plan still seems risky.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 7, 2018
"Those guys stabbed me in the heart and kidnapped my companion, what a great opportunity!"
He's a glass half full kind of guy.

Also kinda ironic that the elf was expecting to be the victim of surprise penetration, but it happened to the hero instead.

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